Chapter 27

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Maia's POV

We'd just finished our main course and the plates were being cleared away when I spoke up.

"I think I'm warm enough now." I stood up and cautiously took my coat off, taking my time and looking over my shoulder for when Sammy saw what I was wearing underneath the cover up.

The coat fell to the seat and Sam looked up from his phone and his mouth dropped. His phone might have well of too.

Sammy's POV

She'd said that she was getting warm so she stood up to take her coat off. I checked my phone because Jack had texted me. I was mid-text when something red caught my eye.

I looked up, intrigued to see what it was and my eyes connected with the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. It was Maia. She was gorgeous.

My mouth dropped in complete awe and I couldn't even comprehend what I was looking at. There were no words to describe how beautiful she looked right now. She smiled warmly at my reaction and sat back down.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. "Like what you see?" She mocked me from what I said earlier.

But I wasn't joking when I said, "You have no idea," She gazed into my eyes and I felt like I could take her right here, right now. "Let's get out of here."

"You don't want to stay for dessert?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Oh don't worry, I'm going to get some. My dessert is sat right in front of me." She giggled again and grabbed my hand, blushing crazily.

As we walked out of the restaurant, I looked around and could see people looking at Maia. I knew that she couldn't see it though. I grabbed her waist, twirled her and captured her lips on mine passionately. She looked taken aback and when I pulled away she fluttered her eyelids like she didn't believe I'd just done that.

"What was that for?" She looked into my eyes, searching for an answer.

"You're mine, officially. Maia, will you be my girlfriend?" I mentally cringed at myself. I was never one for cheesy things like that but I wasn't lying when I said I was changing for Maia.

"Of course," She connected our lips again and we headed out to the car park. She slapped her palm against her forehead. "I almost forgot, I drove here and someone took my car. I can't just leave it."

I smiled and replied, "Don't worry I have it all sorted out. The man you gave your keys to was hired by me to drive your car to my house." She looked at me and pecked my cheek.

"You're the best baby." I couldn't stop smiling once she'd called me that.

We started walking towards the main road and Maia grew confused, probably because she thought I'd parked the car I'd come in, in the car park. No.

We turned the corner and it revealed my sweet ride I'd hired for my one and only. A brand new white Ferrari was waiting exactly for me and Maia.

Her eyes looked like they could pop out of her head any second. She then looked at me in disbelief and she ran to the car. I have to say, it was quite impressive of her to do that, flat out running in 6" inch heels but what do I know? Maybe that's something all girls can do?

I followed after her and opened her car door for her before she could do it herself. She couldn't take her eyes or hands off the interior when she sat in the passenger seat. I watched her closely, interested in what intrigued her.

I got in at my side and revved the engine. Maia couldn't stop smiling the entire ride back to my place.

"Sam! You didn't have to do this! I don't like you spending so much money for me." She looked down at her shoes like she was upset by something. I raised her chin with my fingertips.

"Only the best for my babygirl." That seemed to set her off immediately. It was like someone had flipped a switch in her brain. She nearly pounced on me with lust and I could've done the same. Our breathing moulded together and we were one.

She gripped her legs safely around my waist and jumped so that she was straddling me. I carried her over to the front of the car and sat her on the bonnet, never breaking the endless kisses. There was so much devotion. Too much contain for either of us.

Since I'd locked the car, the alarm started going off when we both got rough on each other. Maia almost fell off the car in shock but I caught her before any damage could be done. We both laughed it off and headed inside, knowing what was going to happen next.

Before we could reconnect our lips or touch each other in any way, Jack opened the door for us and I turned off the car alarm with the keys.

"Want to explain what that alarm was about?" He raised his eyebrows at us. He was acting like our dad, but I knew he only meant it as a joke to try and make us embarrassed.

"I'm gonna go hang my coat up in the hall." It took me a minute to realise that if she took the coat off, she'd definitely catch Jack's attention.

"Wait, are you hot Maia?" I was trying to dodge getting jealous. It never ends well with me, and plus, I'm super protective of her and she's mine.

"I know you are Sam." She winked and it caught me off guard for a moment. She didn't know what was going to happen though if Gilinsky caught interest.

I ran into the hall after I received a puzzled expression from Jack and I got there a tad too late. Maia had already taken off her coat and now I couldn't stop drooling looking at her.

She sashayed past me, knowing I loved it when she walked confidently and the dress captured just the right angles of her ass. This wasn't going to be pretty.

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