Chapter 39

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Maia's POV

After my interesting conversation with that cold-hearted woman who seemed to think she owned Sammy, I knocked out completely. I only realised I'd fall asleep when I later opened my eyes and was alarmed to see that it was almost pitch black in the area around the box I was currently in.

I lifted my head up to look through the cracks in the box around my head to search for sources of light. There were none. I huffed and slammed my head against the floor. I must've thought there'd be something soft there like a pillow to separate my head from hitting the wood.

I cursed quickly before blackness seeped into my vision and pain lanced through my head. I raised my hand that was shaking uncontrollably and lifted it to the area of my head that was pounding erratically.

My eyes widened when my fingers came in contact with something sticky and warm. It was only when I sniffed my fingers and registered the metallic smell that I realised it was blood.

A small part of me didn't care. I was locked in a box anyway. But the other part of me wanted to scream for help so I didn't bleed to death. This was the last place I wanted that to happen.

The pain never resided and eventually the blackness claimed my vision again and I was throw into a still sleep. At least I hoped I was sleeping.

Sammy's POV

I think I must've pulled out all my hair by now from the stress and worry consuming me. My one job was to protect Maia and I failed terribly. Lord knows where she is now and what someone has done with her. What has this person got against her anyway?

I have a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach that it has something to do with my past. I mean, I've been out with some crazy girls, like insane physcos. Well they called it going out, I called it hooking up. But they could be capable of anything. Literally.

Maggie had driven around the neighbourhood and beyond five times and had stopped at my place to take a nap before continuing her search. But even in her sleep, she was fidgeting. Tossing and turning, kicking and pushing, eyes darting and flickering; sometimes I was unsure whether she was actually asleep or just trying to forget everything and act like she was sleeping.

Not long after I, myself, had tried to drift to sleep and failed, another phone call alarmed me out of my seat and I found myself instantly clutching the phone.

I hesitantly answered, but knew that I was doing it for Maia. "H-hello." I was unsure of what to say or do. I mean, I'd never exactly been in this situation before.

"Yo bro, it's me." My heart flipped and went back to it's initial speed rate quickly.

"Caniff, man you scared me." Even though my heart beating had returned to normal, my breathing hadn't and I felt like I was on the verge of a panic attack by now.

"I could tell when you first answered. Why, what's up?" Taylor sounded genuinely concerned but at the same time he seemed distracted by something down the line.

"It's crazy dude, messed up. I don't even wanna talk about it." My voice cracked at the end and I wasn't one for emotional times. This made Taylor's whole attention turn to me instantly. He sounded almost as panicked as me when he next spoke.

"Sammy, I'm coming around now. You hear me." I could hear his car starting in the background of the receiver. I felt mean dragging him into this but it's not like I'd called him to do anything for me.

I didn't reply and ended the phone call, sitting in silence and waiting for Taylor to arrive. It was unbearable. This silence. If Maia was here, she would have been babbling non-stop about things that I wasn't exactly interested in. But from the way she spoke about them, so inspiringly, encouraged me to pay attention and listen to whatever she told me.

And just to see that smile. Damn. Even though I'd been missing her for the past 24 hours, I hadn't been missing her. I'd been missing having someone there. But now I was actually missing all the memories she brought with her wherever she went.

Although I knew in the back of my mind that she'd only been missing the past couple hours, I was still intent that I was never going to find her no matter how hard I tried and that it would all be my fault.

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