Chapter 23

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Gilinsky's POV

~ a week or two later ~

Sam hadn't even been out of his bedroom ever since he'd broken it off with Maia. I hadn't even seen him since I'd last talked to him. I was starting to miss my buddy. I decided that I was going to try and talk to him.

The last time I'd tried to do that, it didn't go so well. Sam had remained monotone in both his emotions and voice. He'd been staring at the wall and when I'd started shouting at him to pay attention, he'd chucked his lamp across the room sending flying bits of glass spreading in every direction.

I'd been scared to return since now. They really needed to get back to what they were. But Sam was too stubborn, he probably still thought he was protecting her.

I didn't even bother knocking on his door because he probably wouldn't reply anyway. That, or he'd bluntly tell me to leave. I wasn't having either.

I walked straight in and Sam wasn't within sight. I could see that there was a body under the covers but I couldn't even see him, the duvet seemed to cover him whole. I carefully grabbed the sheet within my hands and yanked, pulling it fully off his bed.

As soon as it was fully off, Sammy woke up and seemed to notice instantly. He yelped out from contact with the cold air. Then he rolled over and fell off the bed, face planting the floor. It was like a chain reaction of events.

I helped him up off the floor and he gave me a glare from taking his bedding away from him. It may have been a rude gesture but at least it was something, he hadn't shown any emotion at all until this moment.

"Just get lost Jack, I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't need a therapy session right now and I doubt your advice will do any good either." He pulled out of my grip and turned his back to me.

"Just hear me out, please?" He shrugged his shoulders and I took it as a sign to continue. "I think you should take her back," Sam huffed and I barrelled through my words before he could say anything in his defence. "Look, you're both hurting. I've got reports from Georgina that both of you are pained from not seeing one another. You're both cutting yourselves off from the outside world because of each other."

"So? Why should you care?" Sam sighed but kept his back to me.

"I care because you're my friend and I want to see you happy. You were happy with Maia. You think you're protecting her but you're not. The same thing could have easily happened if I was still with Madison and was messing about with her. Obviously I would have been blaming myself, but I wouldn't be stupid enough to let her go man. I think you need to quit being so stubborn and show her what she actually means to you."

He turned around and actually looked at me directly. I had to look away because the pain, clearly visible in his eyes, was torturing me to see him so distraught.

"What do you expect her to do? Come jumping back into my arms? I highly doubt that. I've let her go now and there's probably no going back."

"Do you hear yourself dude? Seriously, you need to stop giving up on these things if you love them so much. Why is it so easy for you to give up?" He looked down at his feet and then back up, as if thinking it over for a minute.

"I gave up because I realised she's too good for me. I'm not used to girls like her. I'm used to the ones who show no love, no recollection of the word. I'm used to the typical hookups, the girls who play dirty. Maia, she's completely different. Trust me, I'm out of her league." He went to go get dressed but I wasn't done with the conversation, yet.

"C'mon Sam, it's obvious from the way you're both acting that you'd take each other back in a heartbeat. That much is clear to me. I'll even offer you a ride to her house if you want to see her. I don't know if it'll do any harm, but I'm hoping that it reunites the two of you." Sam stared at me like he was looking right through me, like I was made of glass, for a short time before he grabbed his shoes from beside his wardrobe and followed me to the top of the stairs.

"It feels different out here." He was gesturing towards the air, the furniture, everything that surrounded him.

"You're the one that's different Sam. You've experienced a loss, but a loss of someone who's still alive." Sammy truly looked lost. Maybe he was trying to process those words in his head, or maybe he'd just given up and couldn't find the effort to actually think about anything.

"You wanna go then?" Now that I'd asked the question, I was actually rethinking it. I mean, how were they both going to react? Either, or both could end up having a breakdown.

He gave a kurt nod like he still hadn't fully made up his mind and grabbed the keys to access the car. I went after him, locking the front door behind me. I don't know where Johnson had been the last couple of days and Nate had only made the odd occasional visit to the rooms I'd been in. It was like I'd been on my own ever since everything had happened between Maia and Sammy.

I started driving and the silence really creeped me out. Sam had never been this quiet in his entire life, even when we went to elementary school and he had to perform a speech in front of one of the girls who'd called him a prick. Man, those were the good days. Being young, not giving a damn, and letting our unbroken hearts be free.

I turned on the music, hoping it would cheer Sam up a little. But like the rest of my efforts, I wish I hadn't even bothered because it didn't work. He just sat there staring absentmindedly out of the car window.

After what seemed like forever and a lifetime, we pulled up outside her house. Sam just sat there, probably mentally prepping himself, before he grabbed ahold of the handle and flung the door open.

Even though his movements seemed quite confident, he looked to be literally shaking. And his facial expression made him look like he was about to cry. I worried for him. What would happen on the other side of that door?

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