I'm Home

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I'm Home

Yuki's POV

I stood outside of my childhood home and smiled. I had been 3 the last time I saw my home here in Japan and 13 years since I had seen my Nii-San, mama, papa and my twin brother.

It was a little breeze and I place my hair in my hat to keep it out of my face.

As I look at my home I think to why I was away for so long.
After I was hospitalized in New York during one of our trips to the states with an illness. After befalling the illness I had to stay there so the doctors could find out what was wrong. But I finished my education in both Japanese and English. All in straight A's too.

My family visited me every month, and that turned in to every year to around 8 years ago and then they just stopped coming to see me all together. Sure I called but I never saw them face to face. Even the calls stopped after 2 years.

Now I was coming home and no one knew, I wanted to surprise them.

So here I was standing at the front door waiting. I take a deep breath and knock. After counting to 5 I hear her voice, my mama's voice I missed so much. Tears pricked my eyes when I hear it.

The door opened and they she stood her light brown hair and mid dark eyes and her always bright smile.

When she sees me her eyes widen and she squeals. I was pulled into her arms before I could say one word.

"Oh my goodness. It's my little girl!" she says through the now probably running tears.
I here another voice and it brings the tears to my eyes instantly. It's the voice of my papa. I missed them both way too much.

"Hey honey, who's at the door?" He says. When he sees me in mama's arms he calls out.


He runs to us and wraps his arms around us both. He laughs at the two of us as we cry and hugs us tighter.

"My baby girl is home!" He says and he sounds like he's about to cry too.

"Hey mama, hey papa. Is good to see you both." I say through my tears. I pull away from them and smile. "And where's my brothers? My twin?" I smile brightly at the thought of my twin.

They look at me and smile. Mama was the one to answer. "Yu-chan is at the playing field in the park and Sho-chan is at college. We can go into the kitchen and wait and talk okay!" She says pulling me into the kitchen with dad following.

Dad chuckles at mom's antics but let's her carry on. He says he has to head to work so we say good bye and that I'll talk to him later. Once he leaves my mom looks at me and smiles.

"So how was the states? Did you have school? Oh did you meet any boys? How about any famous people?" She spits out all at once and I giggle at her silly babbling. But it didn't feel right after not having my twin near me after so long.

"I'll tell you later but first I want to see Yuri. Can I go see him, please?" I say giving her the puppy dog look. She, as always, cracks and smiles warmly.

"Okay but come home with him okay." She says and run and hug her causing her to laugh and pat my back. I kissed each on the cheek and giggled like the child I am.

I let go of them both and run to my bag, grabbing my baseball hat and glove and ran to the door. Once there I leave with a quick 'bye' and 'I love you' and run out the door.

To say I was excited to see my twin was an understatement. I was running down the street. When the park came into view I saw him there. He was the catcher and he look like he was having fun.

My Blue Haired Twin! - Kyou Kara Moah!Where stories live. Discover now