Running From A Mob Group

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I really do not know how Yuri gets us in these situations. All we where here for was some down time, a chance to get to know the would be assassin and away from all the daily duties of a King and Princess. But no! Yuri just had to some how find trouble.

I told him, I told him we should have stayed put. But he wanted to help and now were running for our lives from three thugs all because of a girl.

Some where along the way Greta and my self ended up pulling Yuri on a go-cart, as his ankle was hurting him. From all that running, I wouldn't be surprised really.

As Greta and I were pulling the go-cart Yuri kept on apologising from making us do this.

"I'm sorry about all this Greta, Yuki." He says but we keep pulling, ignoring his futile pleas. "I think I'm alright now, I can get up and walk."

"No!" Greta says as we carry on pulling. "You got a bad ankle. Leave it to us."

Yuri gets this kind of dazed look papa gets when we did something for him when we where younger. It was gone as quickly as it appeared though, as he took on a more shocked look.

"There he is!" Someone called.

Oh god!

Yuri stood up and picked up Greta and grabbed my hand, as we looked at the group of thugs in horror.

We ran backwards until we cane to another alleyway, were Yuri dragged me off behind him.

"Over there!"

"Stop if you know what's good for yah!"

But we ignored them and carries on running. That was until we were both dragged and pulled to hide behind sags filled with rubbish.

"There gone!"

"Down here."

"I'll circle around this way." One guy said. "Oh where in the hell did they go!?" And he ran right by us.

We looked up to see no one in sight. Thank goodness!

"I think you lost them for now." I looked to see the girl from before.

Wait isn't this her fault in the first place!?


We were now sat at a booth that sold Raman noodles. Yummy.

"This my treat, to thank you for saving me." The girl said from next to me.

"Wow, you got Raman noodles stalls in this world. Fantastic!" Yuri said that in surprise.

The girl smiled and put some money on the counter top. "I'm short, give me a discount will yah."

"Sure, that will be for three right?" The booth owner said.

"What about you lady?" Greta said.

"Change that order from three bowls to four." I said.

"Huh?" The girl said in confusion.

"Hey you saved our hind back there too. So we should thank you!" Yuri said.

"That's nice of you." This girl said as she smiled.

After a while the bowls of food where they placed down in front of us all. It was simple noodles with egg that was surrounded by soup.

"Hey noodles and soup, just like back in Japan!" Yuri says in excitement.

"By the way who were those guys?" I asked as I bought my chopsticks up my mouth, full of noodles.

"Yeah, they said something about quitting." Yuri finished off for me.

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