Bargains, Bets, Races and Fires

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Bargains, Bets, Races and Fires

I sat out side the room as Yuri, Greta, Conrad and Wolfram stayed in the room with Hube and the Doctor look over Hube. We had bought him back to the inn we were staying at. I was quite liking the peace of the hall as I sat there. That was until the door opened and Conrad and the Doctor walked out.

"That's all I can do for him now, take care of him." The Doctors politely said as Conrad walked him out the occupied room.

"Thank you for coming Doctor." Conrad says, in my opinion, rather tightly. He watched as the Doctor walked away before his eyes turned to mine and gave me a slight nod, which I returned.

I knew what that meant, I was to stay out here and keep watch while he talked to Yuri. We both knew what was coming and be both knew that it would cause some major trouble once we returned to the castle. I could already see Gwendal's glare as Yuri spouts his beliefs. It was quite so I decided to listen to the conversation from the room. And it wasn't before ling that I heard Yuri's voice raised.

"... You're telling me that you can just watch as your own team mate die!" Here we go.

"I can and I will just watch him die." Conrad's voice follows. Ouch, harsh.

"How could you do that?"

"That's the kind of heartless man I am. Now you know!" Oh god, they fight like an old married couple, it was both annoying and completely amusing all at the same time.

"No you're not." Ugh, shoot me now.

"Now come!" Yeah like that would work. "Listen Yuri, I can be cold and completely ruthless... To those who would endanger Your's or Yuki's life. (That surprised me when he said that.) I hope you would permit this act of disrespect. But I would not hesitate to remove you from this room by force!" Now that was brave Conrad. Never have I seen you stand up to Yuri like that.

"Now How long do you two plan on carrying out this pointless discussion, healing powers aren't unique, even I have experience with it. Here let me, I'll do it." There was quite until... "HEY ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? I HAVE NO DESIRE TO SAVE YOU, BUT I WON'T ALLOW THE WISHES OF MY FIANCE TO BE IGNORED. IF YOU SURVIVE THIS, THANK YURI AND SWEAR YOUR LIFE IN SERVITUDE TO HIM. HEY I'M WAITING FOR AN ANSWER!"

"I don't even wanna know." I muttered as I sweatdropped and leaned back and closed my eyes.


Okay so a Beast Race wasn't what I was thinking of doing this morning but apparently Mr. Hyscliff had requested our help. So here we are now, sat in the stands, as we waited for the race to begin. Mr. Vinon was sat next to us. The order went; Conrad, Yuri, Wolfram, me, Mr. Hyscliff and Mr. Vinon. He also had his three goons stood behind him.

"You were right, it was a good idea to leave Greta at the hotel." Yuri says as he looked around at the masses of people in the stands below.

"I've always believed that the Unusual Beast Race track is unsuitable for children." Conrad says and I nod my head in agreement. I too want Greta having nothing to do with this.

"They why did we bring Yuri along?" I whispered to Wolfram, who in turn had to laugh behind his hand.

"What are you saying, look at all the happy spectators gathered here. Their looking forward to the race." Mr. Vinon says as he rests his chin on his hands and looks towards the crowd of people. "It's a mass instinct to want to gamble you see. You will be changing your tune before long."

"If we win you'll must stick to the agreement that I got earlier. You will completely give up the right to control business in the Weston district. And you'll do so with out causing me problems." Mr. Hyscliff says, looking at the creepy man, who in turn, had looked back at Mr. Hyscliff.

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