Healing, Home and Hube

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Healing, Home and Hube

The ones to know the blue haired girl froze, before the horror swept in at the sight of Yuki Shibuya lying on a stretcher, looking like she was half dead.

"Oh my god, what happened!?" Greta akes as she, Isela and Nina rushed to sit by her as she was lowered to the floor.

"Yuki!" Yuri called in horror, the sight of his sister had his heart move in an regular rate.

"She must of inhaled a lot of smoke." Nina said as he looked at the worries Greta.

"She was more worried about getting us two out then herself. She had some kind of attack then collapsed as the flames stared to die out." Isela followed on.

Greta stood up and look towards the scared and horrified black haired boy, a look of desperation on her face.

"Yuri, Yuki has one of those fits she told me about. Ans now she won't wake up! You have to heal her!" Greta called over to him. "She might... she might die." Her voice nothing more then a whimper as she finished.

He looked at his younger sister, started spotting about trying and determination, Conrad and Wolfram try's to stop him. Yuri then collapsed, was slapped by Lady Anissina and Wolfram complaining about only him getting to smack Yuri

"What brings you here Anissina!?" Conrad demanded towards the pinkish red head.

"Your all way too over protective, your all going to end up turning into a weak king. I recommend you allow him to satisfy his wishes!" She shouts at him, glaring a little.

"Yes but at the moment he's so weak. We need to get both his Highness and the princess out of here."

"Thank you Conrad, but I'm really all right, I need to help Yuki. She's... she's my other half. She's half of my soul, and I need her." Yuri declares as he struggles back to his feet, and moves over to his younger sister. "This is my duty as her brother to do so." He muttered to himself as he grabbed his hand. And he begins to heal her as she slept.


And few hours later, both Yuki and Lord Grisela Gegenhuber were on the boat to go back home. Yuri was sat with his sister and Conrad and Greta was with Hube.

The whole boat ride back, Yuki kept twitching or whimpering out in pain as she slept, but not once did she wake up. And Yuri was getting worried. Lady Anissina had helped in getting the blue haired girl cleaned up and in fresh clothes before they drifted off, as she was staying to help the women. Though her reaction when she saw the scares in the girl's chest from procedures, was no less then mortified.


Lady Anissina, with the help of Greta, pulled Yuki's dress over her head. Though the faded pink puckered scared that ran ether side of Yuki's abdomen to below her collarbone stopped her. On the left side it stopped just above her scar she had received, when saving her brother, by taking the arrow that was intended to kill him.

"Oh my!" Anissina gasped out. Greta looked at Yuki with wide, sad eyes.

"Lady Anissina, what happened to Ka-chan? Is this why she's hurting?" Greta's frantic voice had Yuri Wolfram and Conrad rush into the room of the inn they were staying in. Anissina quickly pulled up a blanket to cover up the young girl.

"What is it? That happened!?" Yuri looked down at his sister and paled. He looked at the barely visible scars that were mostly covered up by the blanket. Scars that he never knew she had. Scars that looked like they had been purposely made. The way that they ran across the top of her chest and under the blanket looked professional.

"What happened?" Greta asked Yuri, not taking her eyes of the sleeping girl. Yuri gulped and shook his head. He not knowing ether.

"They're the scares Yuki got from her time it the hospital." Conrad says, sighed as they all looked up at him.

"How do you know this!" Yuri demanded as he glared up at his godfather. "How do you know and not me!?"

"Because she herself told myself, Gisela, Gwendal and Günter after her first fit we witnessed. Gisela was the only one to see them though." Conrad says smoothly.

"Why did she not tell me!" Yuri asked, outraged that his sister told Conrad, Gisela, Gwendal and Günter something and not him.

"Because she didn't what to tell you." Was all he got.

"They why didn't you tell me!?" Yuri asked angrily.

"She asked us all to not say anything. And we all respected her wishes. If she wanted you to know, your Highness, then she will tell you." Conrad say calmly, but his tone held a fierce protectiveness.

And that was the end of the conversation, the tone had Yuri's questions demolished.


Once they had all hit the port of the Demon Kingdom. The next day, they were greeted by Gewndal himself. Yuri grinned and waved towards the man in green.

"Oh hi, Gwendal. Did you come all the way out here just to pick us up." Though the look on his face had Greta hide behind Yuri. "Oh I forgot, don't worry. I wouldn't let him Imprison you, your safe now I promise you."

Yuri looked back over to where Gwendal was and watched as he got off of his horse. Conrad, Yuri, Wolfram and Greta watched as he walked right past them and not even look in their direction.

"What's up Gwendal!" Yuri asked but instead of answering he pulled out his sword and aimed it for Hube's neck.

"Geggunhuber! Surely you didn't think you would live to tread on this soil again, did you?" Gwendal growls out towards his cousin, sword still in place.

"Gwendal stop that! How can you do that in front of a child!? Besides, I'm the one who saved him, I brought him here!" Yuri yelled and Gwendal glared towards his naïve king.

"Gwendal you  must stop! It is the will of his highness." Conrad said, and that was enough to have Gwendal pull his sword away from his cousin's neck.

"Take him to the castle!" Gwendal ordered the closed soldiers and they take him away. Gwendal watched as they roll him way, before rounding on the four people watching him. "And where in Princess Yuki?"

Yuri pointed to where the other stretcher was that held his younger sister But It was Conrad that answered. "There was a incident when we were away. The Princess was caught in a fire, she had an attack and suffered from burns and smoke inhalation. We need Gisela to look over her."

Gwendal didn't say anything as Yuki's stretcher was rolled away in the same direction that Lord Geggunhuber was taken.

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