You Left Me!

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Yuki's POV

I was faintly awe of voices but it was like I was trapped in a bubble of water. The words were strange and all jumbled up.

I could pinpoint two but the rest were unknown to me. There was Yuri's and Conrad's but that was it.

", Yuki, I thi..."

"She mov..."

"...too quickly..."

"...10 min..."

" collapsed after..."

"I don't care... "

"She will be fine."

"She's been out for three days!" Yuri? Wait, three days. Damn that would explain why my body felt so heavy.

The voices were getting clearer as I slowly came back from the dark place deep within my mind.

"Look she moved." I heard my brothers voice say.

"Yuri?" I question as I peeled open my eyes. The light of the room was dimly shining in the room so I must be back in my room or the hospital wing.

"Hey sis, how are you feeling?" Yuri was stood above me and looking down on me. Looking around I could see both Conrad and Wolfram in the room by the door with worried looks on their faces that seemed to diminish as they saw I was awake.

"I'm fine but my head says otherwise" I say with a small chuckle, I slowly sat up and looked around. Yup I was in my room. "What happened?"

My question seemed to set him off. His face went from worried, shock, and then lastly anger, pure and utter anger. Now this is a face I've never seen before.

"What happened, what happened was that you did something STUPID! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND YOU COULD OF BEEN KILLED. I HAD TO WATCH AS MY LITTLE AND ONLY SISTER JUMP IN FRONT OF AN ARROW! I had to watch as you body lay cold in my arms and I and had just to watched you pass out from blood loss, stress and fatigue. That is what happened!" His voice had rows from high to low at the end. I had never seen my brother so angry and scared before. It was always me who was worried about my brother, my brother who would always cry if fell down. My brother who was dressed up as a girl by our mother. My brother who was now grown up and ruling a country, who no longer needed me.

I could now feel the tears prick my eyes, my emotions on hyperdrive. "Well at least you weren't left in a hospital for most of your life. In hope of seeing your family, parents, brother, MY TWIN! I WAS LEFT IN AMERICA FOR NEARLY 13 YEARS OF MY LIFE WITH ONLY GETTING TWO LETTERS A YEAR! I WAS LEFT ON MY OWN TO DEAL WITH MY ILLNESS! WHERE WAS YOUR WORRIES THEN, huh where were any of you?" My voice nothing more than a whisper. My tears were now running hopelessly down my face, even with me constantly rubbing them away they kept coming back.

Yuri was looking at me in shock, then again I have had that bubbling up for 13 years. I guess I just snapped.

"Can you just please leave. I'm tired and I want to sleep." I say as I carefully lay back down on to the bed.

"Sure, get some rest Ka-chan." I felt the bed press up once he sat up off the bed. "Sleep dreams little sister." With that he walks out of the room, closing it behind him.


After Yuri left Wolfram was not far behind him, only Conrad stayed behind. I was looking up at the ceiling of my room as the tears slowly slid down my face. I had kept that bottled up for the last 13 years and was finally glad to have it off my chest but I was also extremely guilty for just blowing up at Yuri like that. It didn't feel right. It felt wrong somehow, like we weren't meant to fight.

Then again Yuri was and is my other half. We're twins, one soul split into two. That was what our mother always said about us as when we were younger it was physically impossible to separate us. Ever when I was ill it took hours for our parents to pull him from my hospital bed. I remember how he had to be taken away once he fell asleep. How he cried when he realised that I wasn't going home with them and he wouldn't have his sister for so long.

"I am sorry Princess for placing such distrust in you and your loyalty!"

It had been a while since any noise was passed through the room so whan Conrad's voice rang through the room is caused me to jump in surprise and slight fright, the aftermath had me groaning in pain from the sudden movement of my body.

"Ow, ow, ow. Okay it's not wise to move." I say to myself jokingly and chuckle painfully at myself. Although I don't think Conrad quite found the joke funny as he was at my bed side immediately.

"I am sorry for scaring you! Are you okay Princess? Are you in pain? Do you need-" I cut him off from saying any more.

"It's okay. Yeah, no and I'm fine." I say as I let him help me sit up. "Although I could kill for a cup of very cold water. And maybe some strong doses of morphine." I say the last one as a joke and smile up at Conrad as he chuckles and passes me some water that was sat on the table beside my bed. He sat next to me to support me so I didn't fall backwards. The water was cool on my dry and burning throat.

"Here, this was sent while you were staring at the ceiling." He says with a tiny smile on his face, but his words held double meaning to them. Like he was... No, not possible. Was he, did he just. Did Lord Conrart Weller just make a joke at my obliviousness to the things happening around me?

"What... I'll have you know I was just, I was umm, umm." I give up; I was staring up at the ceiling, completely oblivious to my surroundings. Sighing I pass him back the cup and pout as he smiles more outwardly and chuckles a little before be quietened down but continues to sit next to me.

After a few minutes of silence he starts talking again. "Princess if I may, and please tell me if I'm overstepping, But... What was the argument about with his highness about?" I was quite and went stiff at his question. Conrad must of misinterpreted it as unwillingness to answer. "I'm sorry, please excuse-"

"No, no you misunderstand. It's just, it's a touchy subject and a very long story." I say to him. I looked back up at the ceiling and sighed again.

"Well I have some time, why don't you tell me?" He moved from the bed and pulled up the chair that sat at my dresser.

"Are you sure? Don't you have Yuri to watch?" I asked him but he just shook his head at my question and sat patiently at the side of my bed. Looking expectantly at me. "Okay, I'll take that as a no. So where do you want me to start?"

"How about when you mentioned being in hospital, that may be a good start." He said looking at me smiling comfortably at me.

"Okay well it all started when I was two and my family and I were visiting the states for one of my father's business trips." I say and the time comes to my mind.

My Blue Haired Twin! - Kyou Kara Moah!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang