The Demon Kingdom and Their New Princess

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The Demon Kingdom and Their New Princess

Yuki's POV

I was woken up to something wet placed on my head. I scrunch up my eyes and groan. Open my eyes, I see a girl with dark green hair and emerald eyes. She looks down at me and smiles. She seems happy to see I was awake.

"Hey. Who are you? Where's Yuri?" I say looking at her. When she answered it was in a foreign language. "Huh?" I say and look at her confused.

But she places her hands to my head and a sharp pain goes through my head and I grab my head groaning in pain. Why did she do that, it hurt worse then my cheat pains when I'm ill.

"Ugh, why!" I say still groaning.

"You will be able to understand me now Miss. Hello, I'm Gisela and his highness is with Conrad outside. I'll go get him. Stay in bed okay!" She says getting up and rushed out the door. Closing it behind her.

I sit up and look around. The room was big and roomy, the bed I was in was a King sized canopy bed with light blue sheets. There was a desk with a wooden chair next to a huge window which had the sun shining through.

My legs felt stiff and I was about to get up when the door opens and in walks in Gisela, Yuri and who I presume is Conrad. When Yuri and Gisela sees me their reaction were completely different.
Yuri runs to me and hugs me tightly but Gisela try's to push me back down onto the bed.

"No Miss, you need to rest." She says as she pulls the blanket up me. I nod but I look at Yuri for help. He sees my look of plea and nods his head in understatement. Yay for twin telepathy powers.

"Gisela is it okay if we talk to my sister alone?" He says looking at Gisela kindly. Gisela looks at Yuri and smile happily. "Yes of course your majesty. Now Miss Yuki, you must rest, so stay in bed okay!" She says looking at me sternly before she turns and nods her head at Yuri and Conrad, and walks out of the room.

I sigh and wait as I listen for her foot steps to grow distant before I jump up from the bed. I look down at my cloths and see I'm in a white nightgown. I look at the boys and smile.

"You don't have any clothes do you!" I ask and smile when Conrad passes me a pile of clothes and shows me to a bathroom.

Once to door was closed, I look at the clothes and smile. It was totally my style; a black high collar with white long sleeved dress that come 2 inches above my knee, white knee high lace socks and combat boots. I also find my light blue pendant there too.

Once I was dressed I finish in the bathroom and walk out. I look around and see a brush in Yuri's hand. When he sees me he holds it out and I take it from him greatly and brush through my waist length blue hair. As I was brushing I looked at Conrad and saw his sword at his hip and I grinned and looked at him then the sword.

"I love you sword Conrad, the craftsmanship is great and the Steele is finely made and... And I just said that. I'm sorry" I say to him smiling sheepishly. When I was in America i needed a pass time which also helped with my strength so I took up, well anything with in weaponry and fighting. I was also made to take up less aggressive activities as a condition to the Weapons and fighting I did.

He looks surprised at what I had said and laughed slightly. "You know swords?" He asked and I slowly nod.

"Also archery and dagger work. I'm also skilled in mixed martial arts, kick boxing and one on one fighting." Say as I sit on the bed naming off them all off my list.

"Anything else?" He asked. "Other than combat skills?"

"Umm, lets see. Art, dance, music, and I can learn new languages quickly (with in writing, reading and speaking the said language I know too), I guess. Why?" I say looking at him.

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