Flying Arrows, A Mysterious Guy and Running

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Flying Arrows, A Mysterious Guy and Running

It was dark now and Gwendal, Yuri and I were sat around a fire trying to keep warm. I was sat one side of Gwendal and Yuri the other. As Gwendal and Yuri talked I was watching the flames when a gust of cold desert wind came past making me shake.

"Why is it so cold!?" I ask wrapping my blanket tighter around me. I was suddenly pulled closer to Gwendal and felt his hand on my shoulder. "Both of you, come closer to keep warm." He says and pulls Yuri to. "You'll feel better." He explains.

"Oh okay!" Both Yuri and I say. "That is warm!" Gwendal groans and we laugh lightly. We really do that a lot. I slowly close my eyes and let sleep take over.


I was sat on my horse, riding next to Gwendal and Yuri. The sun shining brightly on the desert sand. "Gwendal is that a village!?" Yuri say, as in deed, a village comes into view.

When we arrive we get down only to be met with 5 other soldiers all in green. "Who are you?" They ask. Looking at each of us. Yuri gets down after Gwendal, but I stay, not liking the looks of things.

"We would like to get water and passes if that's at all possible?" Gwendal asks as he pulls Yuri's hood over his face.

"That all depends on the colour of your money!" One guy with bright orange hair says. And turns to walk away with Gwendal and Yuri in toe. But Gwendal stops and looks at me.

"Pri- Yuki you stay here and watch the horses, call if you need anything!" He says and I nod, understanding his meaning. After they disappeared I was left with the last 4 guys and they were all looking at me. I really don't like that the looks I was getting from them ether.

"Hey girly. What you doing so far out in the desert with them?" One guy asked, coming closer to me. "Yeah why not come with us. We can have some... Fun." Another says.

"No thanks!" I simply state looking forwards, not looking at the men. The first guy must have got irritated by me because he pulls me from the horse and holds me. I sigh in irritation. I move my leg and kick him in the face. When he lets go I pull out my dagger and hold it up. I look at him to see him out cold.

"You little brat!" One exclaimed out and went to grab me but I side step it. And elbow him in the face. Also knocking him out.

Another guy went to hit me from behind but an arrow shot past my head and into the wall behind me and into the guy's clothes. Holding him into the wall to thrash and squirm around, trying to get free. I look around and was scared, but I was thankful for the arrow that saved me. I look for who shot it as do the other 3 men. But I look around and I saw no one. Well, a least it saved me from being hit.

So I shrug and look at the 3 men. "Who's next!?" I ask devilishly a smirk plastered on my face. This was going to be fun.


I was done and the 4 men were in a heap on the floor; when Gwendal and Yuri came running. Three other guys behind them, looking quite angry. When they got to me they looked down at the pile of groaning men, then to me and shook their heads. Gwendal grabbed my arm, pulling me as he ran to the horses. Once we were on, we rode off, not looking back.

"What is going on!?" I say as we rode, I saw that both were chained together and I sigh in irritation. "I could ask you the same princess. What happened back there, all 4 were knocked out cold and you perfectly fine?" Gwendal asked looking over at me.

"They asked if I wanted a good time and when I told them no, they grabbed me. I don't like to be grabbed so I kick their butts and left them there." I say as if it was the most normal thing. "What about you why you chained up?"

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