We're Going Home Again

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HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and got everything that you asked for. Now for the next chapter.
By the way, yes I know what I did in the first paragraph. Don't judge okay. And I just want to say how happy I am to be back! So enjoy 😘 xx

We're Going Home Again

After we both made it to the Village, we set to it in tying up both horses (mine now named Shirayukihime 'Snow White' or Shirayuki for short) and set off to explore. Though the last few times I was here I was either kidnapped or ended up with an arrow in my back. Hopefully this time will be different. This thought made me giggle to myself.

"What's so funny Princess?" Zen asked as I continued to giggle away to myself.

"Call me Ka-chan while we're here. Don't want to be found out now do we." I say as I looked at him from the corner of my eye. "And I was laughing at how all the other times I've been to this village hasn't been such a good experience."

He looked puzzled a little so I decided to explain a little better.

"The first trip here, it was my first time here in this kingdom, this dimension. I was kidnapped my my soon to be brother's uncle and the second... Well I ended up with an arrow in my back after learning some rather interesting things."

"Ah, so not very good memories then. Hmm..."

"What!?" I looked at him in question.

"Then let's make some better memories." Zen took hold of my arm and pulled me with him.

"Wha...!" I called out as I was dragged behind him.


(Third Person POV)

They made some memories alright. After Yuki had gotten Zen to stop pulling her around everywhere they looked at what the villagers were selling. They found all sorts of things, jewellery, clothes and cloths, fruit and veg as well as meats and even cakes, cookies and different candy's.

But what made an impressionable memory was when they had had their fill and sat down to eat something. Zen and Yuki day across from one another and after they had ordered and fitted their food, Zen pulled out a small black box.

"What's this?" Yuki looked at it in confusion, she wasn't sure what he was doing.

"Take it and have a look." He took her hand carefully and gently placed the box in her hand.

She still had the confused look on her face until she opened the box gingerly. But what was inside caused her to gasp. In the little black box sat a ruby stones necklace with a long golden chain.

 In the little black box sat a ruby stones necklace with a long golden chain

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"Oh my... why...? What...?" She stumbled over what to say not sure how to react to been given such a beautiful necklace.

"I noticed that you always wear your blue one, but your brother has a blue one too, so I thought that it might be nice for a change." He gives a grin. "Besides, red is a colour that I think suits you."

My Blue Haired Twin! - Kyou Kara Moah!Where stories live. Discover now