Saving My Brothers Butt Again!

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Saving My Brothers Butt Again!

We were now say in the hotel were we were all meant to meet up at but didn't, Mystery Guy and, who I just found out we're Nicola and Ginta, were with us. As Nicola and Ginta. They were the last people to see both my idiotic brother and Gwendal. And now they where just finished telling us what happened.

Apparently they we're being chased down for eloping (which I already knew of) and were taken prisoner by the guards (which I didn't know about!).
When Wolfram learnt of mine and his brothers situation, to say he was angry, it was an understatement. There was literally steam coming from his ears he was that angry.

"Wolfram calm it, nothing happened and nothing will happen." I say as he continually paced back and forth. I was slowly getting dizzy from his pacing and if he did it once more I'll kill him.

"How can I calm down! Yuri and my brother are off somewhere, we have some guy who wouldn't let you out of his sight and my other brother is looking as if he's on to something!" He say looking at me and speaking a little to dramatically for my taste.

"And Rome wasn't built in a day yah know!" I say throwing up my hand in the air.

"What are you... Never mind! Conrart, do you have a plan?" Wolfram says facing his brother. He nods and looks at me. "Princess how do you feel about do feel about doing some serious damage?!" He says and my eye might of lit up a fraction to his words. That was until Mystery Guy said the evil word that I hate so much... NO!

"No, absolutely not!" He says and pulls me to him. I try to get out but it's no use. His grip really was like iron; hard and unwilling to move.

"If I'm not mistaken, but you have no control over what her highness does. That and you still refuse to give anyone a name!" Conrad says and Wolfram looked like he was gonna kill him, that or break his arm that was wrapped around me.

You see, ever since I arrived, Wolfram, Conrad and even Gwendal act like my brothers. I mean Conrad I get, but Wolfram and Gwendal, not so much. But I do appreciate it a lot.

"If you wanna know my name so badly you should of just asked. It's Zen Wistaria." He says and bows like a gentleman. The other two looked a little shocked at the name.

"Zen!? Nope I think I like Stranger better or maybe Snow White. Which do you prefer?" I say smiling innocently at him.

"Ha ha ha. I like my name and I don't think me being called 'Snow White' will be a good thing with me being a boy and everything." He says then grows a smug look on his face. "Little Blue Snow!" He says in my language, Japanese.

"How...?" I look bewildered at him. That was my nickname from America... and he just spoke it in Japanese. Who is this guy!?

"I'm full of surprises, Little Blue Snow." He winks and bring my hand up and kisses it slightly.

Conrad comes up to us and takes me from Zen. He carries me over to Nicola and Ginta and places me on the bed next to them. I look up at Conrad, waiting for instructions.

"Well I'm all for being bait. Only if it means kicking butt and show them just how wrong they were to mess with us!" I think. I'm all fired up now. (HAHAHA see what I did there!?)

Zen looked at me in a disapproving manner but I ignored him and looked at Conrad. "I knew you would say that princess, and I also knew something would happen, so I brought this along with us as well as some new clothes and a cloak." Conrad smiles and passes me a box, my clothes and my cloak.

I smiled and ran to the bathroom. When I looked into the box I grinned, squealed and shouted 'THANK YOU CONRAD!!'

In the box was a new bow and quiver full of arrows which was hand carved for me. It was the design that I pick out in my first trip here to this world.


I come out in my outfit. It was cute and I have to say, right for this mission.

I was wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to under my elbow, a black skater skirt, black knee high shocks and black riding boots. I had on my cloak, belt with my dagger and medicine, sword and bag on my shoulder, with my quiver full of arrows and bow on my back.

Conrad and wolfram smiled, Nicola said I looked cute, Ginta sat down on my lap when I sat back on the bed and Zen kept staring at me. I looked up at Conrad for more instructions, but he said we should get some rest, then get on with the plan. Wolfram and I nodded our agreement.

We sorted out the bedroom arrangements; Nicola, Ginta and I were in one room with me guarding inside the room and Wolfram, Conrad and Zen in the other all were having the other, but are gonna take turns guarding out side our rooms. Conrad was up first.

As Nicola and Ginta settled in the two beds I sat on the chair in the corner watching them both. I knew I wasn't sleeping tonight so I thought I could get some use out of it by watching over the sleeping two. The room was silent for 5 minutes until Ginta spook up.

"Yuki-chan, I can't sleep!" He says softly. I smile at him and stood, I walk over to him and sat on his bed.

"How about I sing you a lullaby I was sung when I couldn't sleep?"

His little head nodded in excitement. He moved over and sat on my lap. I moved the quilt over us both and rocked him back and forth. I slowly started singing.

The stars are out,
It's time for bed.
Now close your eyes,
And rest your head.
May angels shield you with their little wings,
As you dream your little angel dreams.

My heart is yours.
My life is, too.
No one will hurt you.
This is true.
Sleep in peace as angels sing.
My love. My everything.

Sleep now I am here,
I will watch over you.
No more worries, no more bad.
Sleep now my little angel,
sleep and dream your little angel dreams.

My heart is yours.
My life is, too.
No one will hurt you.
This is true.
Sleep in peace as angels sing.
My love. My everything.

As I finished I could feel Ginta's soft breaths and could clearly see the fall and rise of his chest. I smiled and I carefully picked him up, placed him back into his bed as I stood up. I pulled the covers over him and gently place a kiss on his head.

I smiled as he snuggles deeper into the bed and look over to Nicola to see her sleeping soundlessly too. I walk over to the door and as I grew nearer I saw three shadows move from the other side from the gap under the door. I shake my head and walk over to it. Once I was close enough I pull open the door and step out, closing the door once I had done so.

There in front of me stood Zen, Conrad and Wolfram. I look at all three and shook my head again. "Why are you all stood here?" I ask, raising an eyebrow in a questioning manner.

"We wanted to here you sing, what song was that?" Wolfram asked me. I shook my head once more and walk down the hallway. I stop and turn look at Zen.

"Keep everyone here. I'm off to find our brothers. Zen your on Nicola and Ginta duty and Wolfram, Conrad you can come with me if you want." I say and continue to walk. I hear foot steps behind me and I continue with our looking back. I knew who was behind me already.

I'm off saving my brothers butt again!

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