Fights and Forgivness

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Fights and Forgivness

The ride back to the Castle was quite and tense. When the group arrived back at the castle, they were greeted by Günter.

After greetings were out of the way, everyone went to what they were supposed to be doing. Gisela went to tend to Her Princess and Lord Geggunhuber, Yuri's went with Greta, and the three brothers went off to talk.

While Gisela was re-wrapping the little blue haired girl's arm, said blue haired girl groaned before she opened her eyes.


"Ugh, I feel like I was hit by a bloody bus!" I groan out as I opened my eyes. My whole body burns and aches.

"Welcome back your highness. It's good to see you awake." I heard Gisela's voice come from above me. I groaned again and looked over to where she was.

"Her Gisela, how you doing?"

"I'm good Lady Yuki, how about you?"

"My arms hit and feel heavy, my back burns and my head is pounding in my head like a jackhammer." I say as I shift in pain. "But other then that, I feel fine."

"That's good, but you are on bed rest for two weeks and I will come daily to clean and put fresh bandaged in you burns." Gisela says as she stood up. "Now get some sleep you highness, and I don't want to hear that you've been up and out of bed."

"Yes ma'am." I wave as she walks out of the room. 'Not that I'd listen to you anyway.' I thought as I sat up, ignoring that protest my back did as I did so.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and grabbed some fresh clothes and my belt, dagger with a thigh holster and my sword.


I walked over to my door and pushed it open, I looked around only to see Hube walking down the corridor

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I walked over to my door and pushed it open, I looked around only to see Hube walking down the corridor. Why the hell is he up.

Then I saw the sword. 'Okay, this doesn't look to good. I have to find Yuri.'

I pushed open my door and followed Hube. I knew we were heading towards the courtyard. Once there I looked around and when I saw Yuri and Conrad and Hube walking towards each other I was running. But before I could reach them Hube had already brought his blade down towards Yuri. Though thankfully Yuri had the common sense to walk around with Conrad and not on his own. Conrad quickly deflected Hubes attack and push Yuri out of harms way.

I pulled out my sword and ran to stand next to Conrad in a defensive position.


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