Shyness and Singing

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Shyness and Singing

We were now in Yuri's office and Günter was writing my now officially statement claiming me as the new Demon Princess.

"And you Yuki Mai Suzu Shibuya are our Princess of our Great Kingdom. Your ceremony will be as soon as the proper preparation are in order, and you will be crowned princess." Günter says smiling happily to us. I nod my thanks and follow Yuri out to the garden. He was holding Morgif. We came to a statue and sat down. Jeez it was hot today. I was just glad I was wearing a dress instead of the black trousers and jacket my brother has to where. They look way to stuffy and hot, I have never liked trousers. I was more of a dress, skirt or shorts kinda girl.

It was around 4 in the afternoon and we had been looking for some stone called 'The Stone of the Dragon King'. I was looking at the sky as Yuri was shouting at his sword about being a pervert and harassing young girls. I laughed as Morgif gave a disagreeable sound and feel asleep to Yuri's shouting.

It was quite and nice. That was until three guys in complete black came out of the bushes and ran for us, or well Yuri. I stood up and grabbed the sword from my side. Conrad gave it to me after the fight this morning and said I can use it to help protect myself, but I will still have him, since I would always be with Yuri, to do that but it's good for extra protection. And of course he was right.

I stood in front of Yuri and held it up. I was looking for Conrad and Wolfram, I was positive they had followed us. The three guys came running and I ran too.

"Sis!" I hear Yuri's panicked cry from behind and the front guy hesitated before carrying on.

My sword meets his and we both fight. I go to use my sword again when I hear Conrad. "Your majesty's!" He calls. I look up to him but in my slight distraction I was pushed back and go flying, landing next to Yuri.

"'Majesty's'?" One of them say's.

"Sis?" Another called out in surprise.

"Conrad!" Yuri calls as he comes over to me.

"I'm here too!" Wolfram says grabbing our attacker's attention. The three guys looked at them then start to retreat. But Wolfram used his magic and both he and Conrad caught one.

"What just happened?!" My brother says looking confused causing me to laugh but wince at my slightly bruising side. Well it looks like I've been hurt, and man does it kill.


I was sat in my room after being seen by Gisela, when my brother comes in and hands me a wig and a long black hooded cloak. I look up confused but surprised when he puts the brown wig on my head.

He did it like he's done it before and that it scared me a little.

He then pulled me from my bed and pulls me out the room not leaving me anytime to argue. As we walk I pull on the cloak but leave the hood down.


He stops our side a stable and brings out a black horse. "This is my horse, and we are going with Conrad and Wolfram to a village to help look for the stone." He gets on and holds out his hand. I take it and I sit behind him. We start moving until Gwendal, Wolfram and Conrad come into view.

"Oh good, we made it in time." Yuri says. I stay behind him hiding. The look on Wolfram and Gwendal's face was slightly scary. "Yuri what are you doing!" Wolfram demands as he moves towards us.

"We're coming too. I want to help and I want to show my baby sis more of the Demon Kingdom. Going to this village will be a good start." Yuri says and I hear Wolfram try to disagree with it until Conrad says it's fine.

My Blue Haired Twin! - Kyou Kara Moah!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora