Were Going On Vacation

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Where Going On Vacation
I stood looking out into the ocean, slowly planning Yuri's death. I was so angry with him right now! Wanna know why...? Well it all started this morning...

I was sleeping peacefully early hours this morning when all of a sudden I was picked up from my cloud of heaven, forced in to clothes and a brown wig along with my sword, belt, dagger and a bag. I'm then carted off onto the back of Conrad's horse and then placed on a ship. Yuri is and always will be the big drama queen I will ever meet, he just has to be spontaneous and dramatic with everything he bloody does, it was unbelievably annoying at how bubbly and full of optimism his can be.

"Come on Yuki, you can't still be mad at me? YUKIIIIII answer me ple-" I cut him off by spinning around and shooting him my most evilness glare I could muster.

"Ahhh, Yuki I'm sorry okay! Conrad, Yuki's mad at me!" He says as he hides behind Conrad.

"Now, now princess. His highness thought that's vacation was a good idea after all that's happened over the last two weeks." Conrad said, trying to keep the peace.

"Yes well Lord Weller! I'm not the nicest after being woken up, picked up and then forced in to clothes then practically dropped onto a boat for a vacation!" I say and turn to walk away but my foot hit something hard, stopping me mid stomp.

"Ahhh, Yuri what in gods name is this doing here!?" I say as I turn to him. His trunk was still up on deck, why was it not in his room?

"Oh this! Actually..." Yuri says as he opens up the trunk, "TADA!" there is something I think no one suspected to be there.

In the trunk was the little girl, sleeping soundly. Now that was weird. Around her was toys, books and treats, pillows and blankets. I guess the trunk was meant to help her feel safe but if you ask me I think the cell would of been a better place to stay.

"That girl!" Wolfram shouted in surprise.

"Good heavens the would be assassin. How did you ever pull that off?" Conrad asked as he laughed a bit.

"Never mind that are any of you not realising that a little girl is in a trunk and is sleeping peacefully!? On a boat, might u just add." I say exasperatedly at them all.

This had Conrad shoot forward and placed his hand on her forehead. Gasping he looked up at Yuri and I. "She's right, she has a fever, Sire we must get her bellow deck. This ocean breeze will give her chills."

He picks her up and we follow after down bellow.


I knelt down beside the bed as I placed a damp cloth over the little girls head. Both Yuri and I haven't moved from the bedside, hoping that the little cutie would wake up soon. Wolfram was sleeping peacefully in the bead next to us and Conrad had gone out in search of some medicine.

"You know Yuri this your fault for placing her in that bloody suitcase in the first place!" I say not taking my eyes off of her.

"Yeah I know I was stupid of me but I couldn't just sit there and let a child sit in a cell on her own now could I?" He says and smiled down at me and the girl. "You know you look like a mom doing all that."

"I always wanted a younger sibling but I got stuck being the youngest huh." I say as I relict the cloth of the little girls face and place it back in the blow of cold water, wringing it off and replacing it back on her head.

"I hope she's alright, Conrad went to go get some medicine for her." I say just as she opened her eyes sleepily. Both Yuri and I smile at the girl.

"Do you feel better? Where are you from? That's your home town? What's your address so we can take you there?" But she turns her head and looks at me, her eyes drift up to my hair and her eyes filled up with wonder.

Yuri not seeing this carried on talking. "Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to bombard you with questions all at once!" He says softly as no to scare the poor girl and not wake up a sleeping Wolfram.

"I can't... I can't go home!" She says as she looked at my blue hair.

"Why not sweetie, what can't you go home?" I ask in a soft comforting voice but she shakes her head and continues to look at my hair.

"Can you tell us your name at least sweetheart?" I ask her again and look up to Yuri when I, once again get a non response, to find him startled blankly at something on her arms.

Looking closely I could see strange black marks in form of writing, the words writer was 'Isela' but I couldn't see the other name.

"That's so pretty, is that your name?" Yuri says but the girl gasps and shot up right and Yuri fell backwards, off his chair.

"No it's not! Isela is my mothers name!" She yelled and I let out a quit laugh at me brother who was looking up, stunned, at the child's sudden outburst.

"Whoa, you started me!" Yuri said in pain as he heaved himself of the ground.

"He's sorry, he didn't know but could you tell us your name sweetie?" I ask as I try coaxing it out of her gently. And I finally win the 'I'm not telling' game.

"It's Greta!" She says quietly. Pretty.

"Well Greta, I think that is a beautiful name. I'm Yuki but you can call me Ka-chan and that idiot over there," I say pointing to my brother. Who shouted 'hey' at the idiot comment. "Is Yuri."

Yuri tried to stand up again but he soon lost his balance and fell forward towards the bed Greta was sat in. Greta, startled, shoots out of bed and into my arms where she cowers away from Yuri.

"Don't touch me!" She calls out from my arm, which cradle her as I soothes her back.

"He, we wouldn't heart you Greta, you didn't need to worry." But she clings on tighter to my dress and begins to tremble violently

"I can't trust him or anyone. But I trust you Ka-chan your not scary looking!" She says.

"Are you saying you can't trust me? You really think I'm a scary person?" Yuri says softly, his voice full of hurt. But she just continues to tremble and start to cry softly in my arms.

"I told you so, nitwit." Wolframs voice rang through the room.

Both Yuri and I look at him to see him sat on the bed... in a pink nightdress. Hey... wait is that one of my nightdresses!?

"Didn't I tell you that you would be the one to get emotional hurt by travelling with someone who tried to take your life!" Wolfram didn't say it as a question but more of a statement.

Yuri looked at him with a look of dislike as sweat dropped from his head. "Maybe you did but you never put that nicely!"

"Hey I was nice, I didn't call you a moron!" Wolfram says back refusing to look at him as he spoke.

Yuri suddenly takes on a look of jaw dropping disbelief at his words making me laugh softly. He snaps out of it and looks down at Greta in my arms. Sighing he made his way over onto this side of the bed.

"Grate listen. You need to climb back into bed  and keep your self warm. Or your fever isn't going to go down. Come one get up, if you don't get over that cold you won't be able to enjoy the hot springs with the rest of us." Yuri says and held out his hand for the little girl.

She moved her head and looked at his hand hesitantly but took his hand anyway. Just as he went to pull her up his hand started to glow bright green. Had he just healed her?

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