Your Plan Sucks!

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Wow I haven't updated in a while. Well here is a new chapter for your pleasure. Enjoy my readers xxx

Your Plan Sucks!


"Ugh...." I clutched the fabric over my stomach and sighed. "Oh man....I'm so hungry...." I mumbled to myself.

I bit my lip thinking of the delicious food that I could have been eating right now if I was home or in the Demon Kingdom.

I shook my head with another sigh and decided to sleep through my hunger.....even though the possibility of me falling asleep now was very low. 

I turned to the side and leaned against the wall. The prisoners in the other cells were asleep and I was the only one who hadn't been given anything to eat. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around myself to try and keep warm. A few minutes passed and I heard footsteps. I didn't bother opening my eyes and I stayed still as the footsteps stopped in front of my cell. 

The footsteps stopped I heard a voices but couldn't make out what they were saying, though I did sigh in relief when I could hear the soldiers guarding my cell walk away.

The lock of my cell was opened and someone stepped in. I opened my eyes slightly tired from the effect of the esoteric stones and I turned to see who had entered. But when I did, my eyes went slightly wide and my heart skipped a beat. There stood Conrad holding a plate of food. 

I swallowed thickly eyeing the food but I looked back at Conrad. I gave a look of uncertainty and sat with my back against the wall. I didn't want to move around too much because the esoteric stones made me feel nauseous when I moved. 

"Conrad? Is... is that you?" I asked and his gaze softened.

"Yes princess." He said in a slightly sad tone. I swallowed as he walked closer to me and kneeled in front of me. He placed the food down and I stared at him. My breathing became slightly unsteady and I bent forward a little and held the front of his uniform. 

"Conrad...please tell me this is just a bad dream. Please tell me that I'm going to wake up with life how it normally is!" I said in a pleading voice, tears filling up my eyes again, but my hope was crushed when he gave a sigh.

"Forgive me, Princess. But this is not a dream." He said and I shook my head. If it not then he'd need a motivation to do this.

"No! I wont believe this! The Conrad I know would never betray the great Demon would never betray Yuri, me......w-would you?"

I was hesitant. I was afraid to hear his answer. Conrad stared at me for a minute. He looked like he was debating over his thoughts and after a few seconds, he held my wrists and gently but forcefully made me let him go. He stood up and my heart raced.

"Conrad! Please! Can't you see what you're doing is wrong? If Yuri saw you like this... he would be crushed... if I could only just take this, then he'd...!"

When I said that, Conrad stopped near the bars of the prison cell. "Princess, can I trust you with a secret?" he asked and I frowned slightly. What was he getting at?

"Of don't have to ask that...." I said softly. He gave a sigh and turned to me again. He sat down in front of me and I gulped.

"This is the will of the Great One." He said and I narrowed my eyes. 

"The Great One?"

Is he kidding me?! I knew there was a reason but this... this was just...

"Yes. That day when I prevented those masked people from hurting you and his majesty, I lost my left arm." He said and I nodded remembering that scene clearly. I looked at his left arm now and then back to his eyes. They had a sort of warmth and regret and I waited patiently for him to continue. 

"I managed to leave the Great Demon Kingdom and stop the war from happening within its boundaries temporarily. But I went unconscious soon after due to the blood loss. At that time, I received a mission from the Great One. He gave me an arm and he told me to find and bring back the four forbidden boxes back to the Great Demon kingdom." 

"Forbidden boxes?" I asked. Things were taking quite a turn and I was starting to believe that Conrad wasn't betraying any of us. He nodded and looked at the ground seriously.

"Yes. 4000 years ago when the Great One was alive, the people of this world was threatened by an evil force called the Originators. The very existence of this world was at stake." 

"But somehow, the Great One and the people who fought with him were able to defeat them and seal their power into 4 known as the forbidden boxes." I frowned.

"But what does that have anything to do with you serving Big Cimeron?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Big Cimeron already has its hands on one of the boxes. They are looking for the other boxes to use them against the Great Demon Kingdom. If I stay here, I can get all the forbidden boxes and bring them back safely to the Great Demon Kingdom."

Well damn!?

"Your plan suck!"

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