Unexpected Words Spoken

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Unexpected Words Spoken

"All I can remember is waking up in the hospital with no memories of how I got there."

I looked at Conrad as I finished telling the story. He looked at me with sad and sympathetic eyes that made me wanna punch him in the face. I sighed and looked out of the window. I didn't know what to say to him, and all Conrad did was sit in the chair and seen deep in thought. When his did speak again the next words were what I had never had given.

"How long have you been on your own. How did it happen?" He asked me. I looked at him and smiled a tight smile.

"My family visited me every month, and that turned in to every year to around 8 years ago and then they just stopped coming to see me all together. Sure I called but I never saw them face to face. Even the calls stopped after 2 years. I had then seen my mama, papa and nii-san's after 8 years and that was the day I was dragged here with Yuri." I say and give him a sad look. "You know being in a foreign country on your own with no one you know can become lonely and scary."

I could feel my eyes become heavy after a while, I was still in pain and sat talking to Conrad had really taken a lot out of me. I heaved a testy sigh and went to laid back down. I got only so far before I cringed in pain. Conrad was at my side the instant I showed any struggle and helped me lay down. Once I was In a more comfy position I looked over to Conrad to see him sat back in the chair and smile down at me.

"You're not on your own anymore princess. You've no need to feel that anymore." His voice was soft and soothing that it made me feel even more sleepy than I already was. "You're here now and here shall be your home and a place you can come to if you shall ever need it."

"Hmm, that sounds nice. I like the sound of that; home. Being here." I smile sleepily at him and let my eyes close fully. I let the darkness take my heavy and tired body. But before I was swept with the waves of black I felt something soft touch my forehead and soft words spoken.

"Sweet dreams princess and I, everyone will stand with you and his Highness for as long as we shall all live."

And then I was gone.

-Six days later-

After being deemed good as new by Gisela I was back on my feet two days after my talk with Conrad. speaking of 'talks with Conrad', I had found Yuri and apologise for my words which he, as usual, forgave, forgot and hugged me tightly. Earning a hit in the head by Wolfram after a yelp of pain left me as it ran through my back.

Conrad and I have gotten on greatly to since out talk and right know we were practicing with our swords in the courtyard. We have been out here since lunch and that was 3 hours ago, we had begun and we were both out of breath and sweat was on our foreheads. My shorts and black shirt were covered in dirt and sweat and my ponitailed hair sticking to the back of my neck.

He's good, I'll give him that, but we seem to be evenly matched. I had been using a sword since I was 8 due to me needing a hobby while I was being treated. He leaps forwards and runs at me. But I'm ready for it and I raised my sword, blocking off his attack. He moves left of me, so as he grew near I jumped over his shoulder and turn as I lad in a crouch on the floor and kick his feet out from under him. Not too hard that it would leave a mark but hard enough that it took him off balance and he landed on the floor. He went to rise but I placed my sword at his neck  stopping him from rising. He goes to drop his sword so I 'let my guard down' and move back. Conrad takes this and he jumps up from the floor. Once he was on his feet he goes to raise his sword but I run and slide between his legs and turn and place my sword at his lower back at a point I could paralyze him from the waist down.

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