Stone Catching and Arrow's to The Back

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(I am sorry I just had too!! 😝)

Stone Catching and Arrow's to The Back

I had stopped at a café at the end of the street and waited for Yuri, Wolfram and the rest to finish. I was going to say good bye to Yuri then go see Ulrika about going home. I stared at the wall in front of me vaguely aware that the sun was settling. I sighed and stood up, leaving my money on the table for the untouched drink that was still sitting on the table in front of me.

I walked out the door and started heading for the shop when I heard some commotion behind the shop's in the alleyway. I looked around and I saw way up on top of the roof top. I started to climb to the top, and as I got nearer I could hear Yuri's voice.

"Hey Conrad catch it." I got up as I saw a red flash fall down to where Conrad must have been. Well this seems interesting, I jump up onto the roof and looked to see my brother a few feat in front of me.

"What the hell is going on!?" I call out, Yuri looks up at my voice and smiles. He chuckles at my look.

"Oh nothing, just a little game of..." he didn't finish as he saw my attention was no longer on him. But on the thing that flashed within my line of sight. An arrow. I froze at the weapon that was pointing at my brothers back. I unfroze from my spot at it was released from the bow and I ran towards my brother.

He not seeing why I was running gave me a wired look. "Hey Yuki what's up..." I pushed him out of the way and I turned so when the arrow hit it hit my back and I was facing Yuri.

"Hey, Yuri... I love you." I say and the pain causing me to gasp, the pain finely hitting like a ton of bricks. The pain running through my body like a wild fire.

I closed my eyes in pain and fell to the roof top, rolling closer to the edge with each movement. I waited for the pain of falling 20 ft. from a building but it never came. I opened my now heavy eyes but blood ran in my eyes from where it had splashes with each roll. I felt something grab my arm in a tight like hold.

I opened my eyes to see white hair and a blue eyes. Zen. "Princess, princess can you hear me. Hey, no keep your eyes open" I heard but the darkness was already pulling me in.

"I'm sorry." Was all that left my mouth, as I brushed his hair from his eyes and smiled softly up at him.

No one's POV

Everyone saw it, witnessed it but still couldn't believe it. Yuki had pushed Yuri out of the way of an arrow. It hit her at the bottom of her shoulder, just above her heart, and now she was in Zen's arms bleeding out and white as a sheet. Yuri himself was running toward his sister's body, looking angry and scared.

"Yuki, Yuki. Wake up." Yuri called out in a frantic rush as he pulled his sister from the white haired boy. He pushed the blue blooded hair from her face and looked down scared as he felt her through her clothes. It was like holding ice.

"Conrad, do something. She's ice cold!" He looked up at the tall man in desperation. He needed his little sister to be okay.

Conrad looked down at the girl and nodded, he look up and Zen and gave him a look. The White haired boys eyes were on the tiny princess's in worry and distraught. Well if there was one person to get her to Gisela then it would be Zen.

"Zen, you take our Chīsai Hime back to the castle. Have Gisela look her over right away." Zen nodded mechanically and gently pick up The Princess and started to run towards the castle. Conrad, Yuri, Wolfram and Yozak looked as his figure got smaller and smaller with each step he took.

Conrad looked at Yozak and they both saw guilt and pain in each other's eyes as they both recalled the conversation with The Princess.


The princess smiled up at Conrad, who evidently was sporting a confused look but she just shook her head and nodded at the white haired man and smug look as he kept grinning at the blue haired girl.

"Ah, it seems you have a visitor Princess." Yosak says catching Conrad and Yuki's looking towards the young man. "Why not go say hell-" He didn't get to finish as both Conrad and Yuki's shouted out before he could finish.

"NO!" They both say at the same time. Getting a look from Yosak, the young girl elaborates. "The last time we met him practical kidnapped me, nearly got me arrested, tied me to a chair and ignored my commands on being let go." She say to him and he looked a little more on track. But one thing he didn't get, asked and Yuki was interrupted before She could answer the question.

"Oh, but why send his Majesty and Lord Von Bielefeld off towards the shop." Yosak asked her looking lost again, probable due to her actions.

"Because she knows his Highness will probably have mine as well as Gwendal, Conrad and Your heads if he knew you let me within a mile radius of the Princess. And the fact that Lord Bielefeld doesn't like me. Am I right Yuki?" Zen says from right next to her ear. 'How... No never mind, She didn't want to know. But he does, once again, says her name in Japanese.

"I don't even like you Zen." The Princess says.

"If you don't move from her highness I will cut you down." Yosak say's to him, the look he was giving his was a look of promised terror. "Zen I thought I told you to watch her not kidnap and tie up!?" He says to him.

"You know him Yosak!" She looked at him incredulously. It was more of an accusation and less of a question. "And you've had him watch me. Okay that's just weird, and that's saying something coming from me." Yuki stared at him, waiting for an answer but when she just got a guilty look, something hit her.

The 'watching her', Zen showing up, the suspicious look Yosak kept sending her at the castle. He didn't trust her. But, the again, did any of them really trust her.

She looked at him sadly and she felt tears prick her eyes. "I get it now, you don't trust me, and not one of you really do. Even after everything, you don't trust me. Even though I'm Yuri's sister." The princess took a step back from them and shock her head. She can't believe She... herself... Yuki had let herself feel like she was part of something, a family.

"Princess, that's not it we... we just." But Conrad couldn't finish, because he knew what she said was true. Deep down, he really didn't trust her. "Just what, don't trust her. That's what you were going to say wasn't it."

It was Zen, he was now stood in front of her, but She was just staring at nothing, but when Yuki looked back at Conrad and Yosak, they could see the normal dead and lonely look that was in her eyes that she normally held when she was back in America.

"Princess..." Conrad looked at the girl in shame and worry. But now she could see that worry wasn't for her, it was for Yuri when he saw her like this.

"Don't worry, Yuri won't find out what happened, and when we go back to Japan, I won't come back. You no longer have to worry, you'll be free of me. I'm going to go wait for you to finish. " Even her voice sounded dead. "I'm really that unwanted huh. Not even my family bothered with me, I'm a nuisance." And with that she turned and walked away.

And didn't look back

End Of Flashback

They both recall the betrayal, shock and most of all that bought the guilt full force. The dead and lonely look Yuki had within her eyes as she came to reality on what they had thought.

They all were guilty of not trusting her and not believing in her. And they were all guilty.

But she jumped in front of that arrow with out a hint of hesitation in her. She had done what any one of them would have done, who wished no ill health on the King. She saved him.

"Yozak, we all owe her an apology when we get back. And I mean..." Looked at Wolfram too, "All of us." They both looked at Conrad in understanding, whilst Yuri looked lost.

"What do you mean Conrad?" His highness asked.

'Oh no, we're dead!' All three thought.

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