Traitorous Bastard! Or Not...?

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Hello my readers. I hope you are all having a great summer. I know I am. I would like to say now that school is starting back up in the next few weeks ( for me anyways) and I'll be busy with uni and work so updates maybe slow. But I will try to update as often as possible.

Now read, vote, comment and enjoy xxx

Traitorous Bastard! Or Not...?

"Conrad... What...?" My voice airy, I wasn't able to believe my eyes. Him, standing next to the king of Big Cimeron and wearing the Big Cimeron uniform.

"It seems she knows you, Conrad Weller." The king said and I looked at him.

"Lord Belar, I happened to meet her once when I was in the demon kingdom." He said nonchalantly and I opened my mouth slightly in surprise.

What was he doing here? Why was he wearing that uniform?! And how come he had both arms?!

I clearly remember that when he was fighting those masked people, his arm was severed.....but.....and seeing him here and watching me chained up. Why wasn't he doing anything?!

"Conrad....what...." I was interrupted when King Belar spoke.

"Oh! So tell me more about her, Weller." He said and I bit my lip. He wouldn't say anything?

Would he...?

I looked at him, a hopeful and pleading look in my eyes. He stared at me for a second and turned to King Belar. What...!?

"Her name is Yuki." This bastard was actually telling him! "She's the princess in the Demon Kingdom and is the twin sister of the Demon King. She is highly recommended in the Great Demon Kingdom, though she does not know how to use her magic powers yet." He said and my jaw went slack.

What in God's name is he doing?!

I wanted to yell at him and ask him why he was betraying Yuri, but I couldn't find my voice. The clear fact that he would do something like this after everything he, Yuri and the others had been through...

"I see! So we have got our hands on quite a prize! And a beautiful one at that! That rare blue hair and those clear sky coloured eyes." King Belar laughed and I clenched my jaw. This guy was disgusting. "We could use her to get rid of the demon king. And maybe I could have her to myself."

"Yuri won't fall for your tricks that easily!" I yelled and he sent an amused smile to me.

"Oh? Is that so?" He leaned forward and I gave the hardest glare possible.

"Oh isn't she cute! Trying to look scary?" He laughed and all his group of soldiers laughed too.

Conrad gave a smile and closed his eyes giving a soft chuckle as well and I couldn't believe what was happening. My chest hurt and my vision went slightly blurry as my eyes stung.

"Take her away!" Conrad said and I was pulled up by a painful grip on my arm by a soldier.

"No! Let me go!" I yelled and struggled, but they pointed a spear to my neck and I hissed but I didn't stop shouting. "Conrad! Conrad you bastard! Answer me you traitorous Bastard!"

I was led underground and thrown into a dark smelly prison cell. "This should keep you quiet!" One of the soldiers yelled and I fell to my knees feeling dizzy. I coughed feeling nauseous from being dragged and I lifted my head to see the cell filled with esoteric stones.

"Ha! These don't... even... bother... The hell...?" I started to feel pain all over my body, like something was sucking the strength out of my but pushing down on my body at the same time... "Hey! Whats... wrong with... me!"

"Silence!" He said and 2 soldiers were left to guard me. "That's enough out of you."

"Hey look! A cute little demon girl!" I heard chuckles around me and I looked on either side to see people grinning and looking at me.

"Come here! We'll keep you company!" They stretched out their hands to me and I furrowed my brows in disgust and tried to move away from them as much as I could.


My chest hurt and my eyes stung. I was feeling sick in the stomach and I shifted to sit against the wall. So this is what the stones do to you... this sucks!

The cell I was in was small and even though I sat in the middle, the people in the adjacent cells could touch my arms with the tips of their fingers. I brought my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs.

The soldiers guarding me took occasional glances at me and I rested my chin on my knees. I remembered what had happened the last time I was close to these esoteric stones, but this hadn't happened to me before... but it had happened to Gwendal because of them. I remember healing him from the pain and sickness they caused.

'Is this what he was feeling... how awful! And these people took pleasure in watching my people hurt from this!'

Wait my people!? When did I start thinking like this... but I guess it's true, they are my people, because here... I'm not classed as human, I'm the princess of the Demon Tribe...

My eyes stung the more I thought about it.

I wanted to go back to the Demon Kingdom. I wanted to see Yuri and make sure he was ok. I wanted to see Gunter and Greta, I even wanted to see Gwendal's grumpy face. Hell. I wanted to see Zen's annoyingly smug face.

But seeing Conrad here was such a shock. Knowing that we were being betrayed by someone we trusted so hurt. And thinking of being in the presence of my brother again gave me courage and some sort of hidden strength I didn't know I had.

Silent tears made their way down my cheeks and I held my breath trying to keep in my sobs. I didn't want to look weak in front of these people and I wiped my eyes. I was captured by Big Cimeron and knowing that Conrad was on their side crushed my self confidence. We were always depended on him, on his strength and we were always reassured that he would protect us. But now...

It didn't look like we could take reassurance from that. And thinking about how much hurt Yuri would feel when he saw Conrad this way... I was feeling that it would probably be better if Yuri never saw him like this. I gave a sigh and buried my face in my knees and the tears continued to fall. I ignored the fact that the people in the cells next to me were still trying to touch me, and I knew they would give up eventually if I didn't react. I closed my eyes and my mind went blank as I pushed out the fear, pain and sadness.

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