Horses and Heat

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Horses and Heat

I'm going to kill him? I was going to kill my idiotic brother! Here I was again, in the Great Demon Kingdom! But nowhere near land. I was floating on top of the seas surface looking up at the sky.

I was just taking a walk through the park when I tripped into the pond that was there. I should have known this was where I was gonna end up when I tripped up over nothing. One moment I was walking next I was landing into a pond only to find myself in the sea... what the hell! Has no one thought of using a door that opens up into this world.

"Yuki!" I hear my name being called. I look to my left to see said idiotic brother, Conrad, Wolfram and Günter.

"Hey guys. You want to get me out so I can kill Yuri?" I asks sweetly but I see them gulp and Yuri even takes a step back. Good, let them fear me, yes this is good!

"Yuki you don't really mean that right!?" Yuri asks me, seeming scared for my answer.

I sigh and Shake my head. "No but can you all get me out! I'm all wet!" I say, but they just laugh at me. After being pulled up on to the boat I was wrapped in a towel.

"Can anyone tell me why I was just walking along the pond in the park only to trip and land in a freaking sea!?" I demand, shaking from being cold.

"We you see- Ow!" Yuri says when Wolfram decided to pull on his checks.

"Ow, ow, ow, I told you not to pull... Let go!" He exclaimed in pain. But I just giggled at this, must be a lovers quarrel!

"No let go of him Wolfram! Let go I say!" Günter calls as he pushed Wolfram from Yuri and hugs him. "I won't let you hear the end of it if you accidentally scar his highness sweet and beautiful face!"

This just makes me giggle harder. Why must they act like this!? "Well I guess it looks like he is the real thing!" Wolfram say making both Yuri and I confused.

"Huh? The real thing?!" We both ask. The others sigh. "I forgot they do that!" Wolfram says.

After getting of the boat we were now in a room in a castle on the cost, waiting for Yuri to finish getting changed. After he did I was handed my clothes from Günter and I went off to get changed. I was whistling as I walked off.

I came back to the room we were originally in my new clothes. I was admiring my outfit. I was wearing black shorts, a white shirt, a black waist coat and my black combat boots. My hair was in two side ponytails and I had a black hooded raiding cloak in my hands and I had on tights and a bow around my neck.

"Wow Günter this outfit is really cute!" I say to him happily.

"Why thank you princess. I looked at what you wore last time and I had an entire wardrobe made from you." He says seeming happy at my complement, I smile at his happy face. Huh, he reminds me of a happy puppy. I look at Yuri to see him with brown hair and getting ready to leave.

"Where are we of to this time brother?" I ask as Conrad passed me my belt and I put around me waist; it had my dagger, sword and my medicine Gisela had prepared for me (I always have it with me now after my last episode) attached to it. Also he passed me a messenger bag that I placed on my shoulders.

"We're off to a country called Svelera, some impostor has claimed to be me and is facing the death penalty for skipping out on his bill. And we're off to save him!" Yuri says and it takes me a minute to process what he just said.

I then started to laugh. "You mean some guy has claimed to be you and is now being arrested for skipping out on his bill! That's a lane punishment!" I sober up straight away. "Let's go. We have someone to save!" I say and follow them outside.


"Ugh I feel like there's grit in my eye!" I say from behind Conrad. Before leaving I was made to put on a light brown wig and brown contacts. "I get why Yuri had to wear them but why me?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry princess, but your eyes and hair are rather noticeable, like Yuri's. So please bear with it for now." Conrad says with a smile on his face.

"How far do we have to go?" Yuri asks.

"Don't worry your highness, the search party should already be there." Conrad says to him. "See over there." Conrad says looking at a familiar looking man in green and a frown on his face.

"Oh it's Gwendal!" I say happily to Yuri but he had a frown and had an almost scared look on his face. After we stop Gwendal comes over with a deeper frown and looks at Yuri.

"What is he doing here? The princess I get. She can hold her own but he can't!" He says grumpily.

"Don't be upset. He wishes to explain in person to Svelera that there captive is an importer." Conrad explained calmly to the already angry Gwendal.

"Explain!?" Gwendal says angrily. Oh boy here it goes.

I sigh and turn, walking over to the horses that were tied up. I stand next to a big dark brown horse and pet him nicely. He 'nays' in delight and moves his head closer to my hand. I giggle as he 'nays' again.

"He doesn't normally warn up to people very well." A deep and brooding voice says from behind me. I turn to see Gwendal looking at me and I smile at him.

"I guess I'm just good with animals." I say turning back to the horse. "Hey Gwendal, you don't mind me riding with you, do you?" I ask not turning back around.

"I don't know, if you can get on my horse without any trouble then yes you can." He says and I swear when I turned back to him I saw a flicker of a smile.

I grin at the challenge and nod. "You're on!" I say and turn back to the horse. "Hey boy, you want to prove him wrong?" I say gently, and he 'nays' on response.

I grab the saddle and pull myself up. I put my legs ether side and look at a shocked Gwendal, Conrad, Wolfram and Yuri. "So can I ride with you now?" I say almost tauntingly. This time I get a small smile and a nod.

"You amaze me princess. You're truly talented." Conrad says to me and I blush making him chuckle. Well that was embarrassing. After Gwendal gets on the horse we set off for Svelera, the other soldiers in toe.


"Ugh it's so hot, why are you guys and even Yuki not sweating buckets like I am!" Yuri complained about the weather and I was laughing inwardly at him.

"We have to go through rigorous training and as for The Princess, maybe she can tell you." Conrad says looking at me.

"I just had a better tolerance then you do Yuri. And besides you're a wimp!" I say, laughing at him. I hear laughter behind me and I look to see Wolfram laughing with me. "It's bad enough to have Wolfram call me that but now you!" He says making everyone laugh with Wolfram and I.

"Hey guys, there's something cute waving 'Hey' in the middle of a desert." Yuri says and I look at him to see him starring at something in the distance. I follow his gaze and see a giant panda. "I like panders as much as the next person but really?" I say exasperated.

"Did you say panda?" Conrad demands, oh boy this is not good.

As we near the horses lose its footing and we all fall down in to a pit of sinking sand, the panda being the cause of it. I fall down and into the sand pit but I was caught by my arm. I saw Wolfram roll past me but when I went to grab him he had already fallen in and out of sight.

"WOLFRAM!" I call as he disappeared from my sight. This was so not good. 

"Wolfram, Yuki!" Yuri calls. I look up to see Gwendal had a hold of Conrad with a panicky Yuri next to him. "Princess grab my hand!" Gwendal calls and hold it out for me. I Could feel myself slipping from where I was so I reached out and I took hold of his hand. Conrad helped by pushing me up and out of the sand pit. I land next to Yuri and look up at the sky. My heart beating pretty fast.

"Okay that was scarier than being kidnapped!" I say and look at Yuri. I see he and Gwendal stand up but Conrad wasn't in sight. He must have gone after Wolfram, well at least their all in good hands. "Looks like it's just the three of us then!" I say looking at my brother and Gwendal. This should be fun.

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