Pinky Promise

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Hey. Happy New Year everyone 🥳 🎉 It's now 2020 and I have even updated since November due to Uni deadlines. But here is an update for all of you xx

Pinky Promise

"Big Cimeron already has its hands on one of the boxes. They are looking for the other boxes to use them against the Great Demon Kingdom. If I stay here, I can get all the forbidden boxes and bring them back safely to the Great Demon Kingdom."

Well damn!?

"You plan sucks!" I watched as sweat dropped down his head. "Everyone will think you're a traitor....and Yuri... I don't even want to think about his reaction!"

"Princess, I need you to promise me that you won't tell this to anyone." He said and I thought about it for a minute.

"Let me help you....I can act! I can help you look for the boxes! And if Big Cimeron already has one, doesn't it mean we're already in danger?" I asked but he shook his head no. 

"No. At the moment the boxes are safe. They require keys to open them, without which, they are just normal wooden boxes.....besides you can't come with me. Yuri will be distraught enough having to see me working for the enemy... If you come to this side too... as his sister, your needed by his side incase this goes wrong."

I gave a sigh of understanding that Yuri would feel even worse if I went against him. Maybe I could help Conrad, but the minute I would see Yuri, I would probably not be able to act anymore. I can actually picture his face now and honestly, even the thought of it makes me shudder and fell guilty. I didn't have the courage to do something that would hurt the people I love, even if what I was doing was for their own good. Sometimes being a twin is a real pain in the ass.

My eyes stung as I looked at him. I always knew he cared for Yuri and the Demon Kingdom very much go to this extent?

I gave a soft sigh and closed my eyes. A few seconds passed in silence and I looked at Conrad again.

"I don't agree with this plan, as I've said before. It sucks..." He was looking at the ground, pain swirling in his eyes.

I sighed and managed to crawl closer to him despite the effect of the esoteric stones and I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him into a hug that I felt he really needed. 

He stiffened at my gesture and I closed my eyes and tightened my hold as I rested my chin on his shoulder.

"Princess?" He asked hesitantly and I swallowed controlling the tears in my eyes.

"You're very strong Conrad.....not just as a fighter, but you are strong at heart too. I think the Great Demon Kingdom is lucky to have someone like you. And I matter how hard it gets, I will keep this a secret. Just you promise that if it gets to be too much, you'll come get me. I can help you." I pulled away from him and looked at him through slightly glassy eyes. I held up my pinky and he looked at it quizzically. I held his hand with my other hand and interlocked his pinky with mine.

"I pinky promise." I struggled to smile, trying to lighten the mood. He gave a smile and he looked relieved and determined at the same time.

"Thank you princess."

"I just hope.....Yuri won't have to see you like this. But....I guess its bound to happen isn't it?" I said sadly and he let go of my hand.

"I'm sorry princess.....but I won't let you down. I promise." I smiled a little and nodded at him. After that he got up and walked to the door of the prison cell.

"Please eat. You shouldn't starve, you need to have energy. I'm sorry that you have to be in this cell but I promise that I will find a way to get you out."

"Thank you Conrad." I said and he gave me a bow before locking the cell and walking away. The two soldiers came in and stood in front of my cell to guard me again and I sighed.

My smile fell and I looked at the food. My stomach let out another growl in hunger and I chuckled to myself. I picked up the food and began to eat. The food was actually pretty good....and it even looked a lot better than the ones that were served to the others. It was probably because Conrad had gotten the food for me separately. I smiled a little and looked at the moon from the small windows near the roof of the cell.

I just hope that everything would turn out okay. And if not... let's hope Yuri doesn't do anything stupid.

"Yeah right!" I snorted to myself before groaning out of pain. "These stones suck!"

Well I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter. I hope you all have a great new year and I hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas. Anyways enjoy, vote and comment xxx

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