Sand Monster! What is this Spider-man!?

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Sand Monster! What is this Spider-man!?

We were running down a stone corridor in the dungeon of the court. Wolfram, Conrad and I were trying to find our brothers.

We came to a cell that was locked and I could here grunts and groans coming from it. We walked over and there laid Gwendal on the ground, back up against the wall, looking like he was in pain.

"Oh gosh! Gwendal, are you okay!?" I asked as Conrad opened the cell door. As soon as it was open we ran inside.

I knelt down beside him and checked for injuries as Conrad and Wolfram asked Gwendal questions. I couldn't see any as I looked, but when I gently touched his sides he ever so slightly flinched. I sighed in relief, if he wasn't bleeding then that's good. I stood up and pulled out a bottle Gisela had given me before we left. I held it to his lips and made him drink.

"Here, Gisela gave this to me. She said that it will help anyone with demon powers in the human lands." I put the bottle back in my bag and touched Gwendal's forehead and checked his temperature.

Suddenly my hands started to glow a pale blue and Gwendal sighed in relief. I was confused on what just happened and I looked up at Conrad and Wolfram for an explanation. But they were just as shocked as I was.

"Princess, how did you do that in human land!?" Conrad asked. He was looking at me, a look of wonder and curiosity in palace. "Not only that the stones aren't affecting you."

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at a struggling Wolfram. He too looked no better then Gwendal. I looked down from him to my hands and back up. I stood and walked over to him, kneeling down I placed my hands on ether side of his face. I closed my eyes and concentrate on him being better. Then just like with Gwendal, my hands glowed a pale blue.

I reopened my eyes to see Wolfram looking better and not as haggard anymore. I smile and stand up next to Conrad, who had pulled up Gwendal, and was supporting most of his weight. I looked to all three brothers and smiled lightly.

"Now let's go find my brother, so I can hit him for worrying me so much!" I smile sweetly at them and turned, walking away as I slowly planes out my idiot brother. The three watched as their sweatdropped at my words.


I was now laying stomach down on top of a bolder as I watched Conrad, Wolfram and Gwendal made there way across from where I was and towards the camp where there was many women working to collect the esoteric stones.

I pulled out my bow and some arrows and I looked around for any threats that were on the three brothers. I was looking around the work camp when the ground suddenly started to slake. I was cough off guard and held onto the rock as the violent. As soon as it started, it stopped.

I looked up and a huge gust of wind and sand blew back in my face. I looked at the direction it came from and froze in place. There right in front of me was a giant sand monster! I mean really!? A sand monster! What is this Spider-man!?

After getting over my internal shock, I looked closer to Yuri standing next to the big monster. And when I say next to I mean right next to its head, flooring in the air, around 50 ft high! I quick climbed of the rock and ran past where Conrad, Wolfram and Gwendal stood shell shocked. I ran down the dip in the sand and looked up. Dammit! That's high up!

"Yuri, Yuri! Snap out of it!!" I called up to him. He looked down and me and smiled slightly.

He came down and when I thought he was gonna snap out of his demon side he picked me up bridal style and floated back up. I shrieked in surprise and held tightly to him. I was about to protest but the look on his face told me that all of the above was a safer option. He looked at the men and spoke.

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