Portals Home and Fights for Survivel

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Portals Home and Fights for Survival

We panted and regained our breath and a few minutes later, Conrad entered as well. He locked the door and I gave a sigh.

"Where's Gunter?" Yuri asked and Conrad turned around with a slightly grim face. My heart skipped a beat when I realised what this might mean.


Gunter....he couldn't have been killed right? I bit my lip to spot from crying but we didn't have even a second to rest. Not when the door began to crack as it was being pushed from the other side and I unsheathed my sword from my hip.

I pushed Yuri and Greta behind me and Conrad got ready to fight as well. I watched from the corned of my eye as Yuri made sure Greta was hidden and then moved towards Conrad standing on his right while Yuri stood on his left.

There was a bowl of water on a table at the altar and Conrad threw the water on a painting that was on the wall. The painting kind of turned into a layer of water and began to glow.

Conrad walked away from us and got ready to fight and I looked back and forth between him and the painting. What the..?

"Conrad! What is that?" Yuri asked just as the door broke down revealing a group of armed masked men. I gulped and Conrad took a tight hold of his sword.

"That is a portal that will take you back to earth. Now go!" he said and ran at the masked men. They had things like guns that shot out fire blasts and Conrad used his sword to slice them. He wasn't going to last long on his own.

I was about to run to aid him when 2 of the people ran towards us and I gripped the sword, ready to strike and to protect Yuri and myself at all cost.

"Yuri. No matter what, stay behind me at all times." I call to my brother with out turning around.

"Wha.. Yuki...?"

But I ignored him as the 2 men came closer, I held up my sword, ready to attack. But Conrad was quick and he was able to take down each one that came for us. But I never let my guard down, I was ready and watching. I watched as 4 more were left and they all jumped on Conrad at once and I gasped.

"Conrad! Look out!" I yelled and he managed to evade their attacks. But I could clearly see that he was struggling.

"Go now!" He called and I turned towards Yuri.

"Yuri, listed to me." I grabbed his face when he refused to look at me. "I need you to to jump through that portal. Now!"

"What, no! Yuki I'm not leaving yo- Watch out!" I turned my head, in time to see what he meant.

One of the masked men has managed to get past Conrad and was barring towards us both. My eyes widened as he brought his sword down towards Yuri and myself. But I moved as fast as I could. I blocked the attack with my sword, but his attacks was far too strong and I was pushed back easily. Not seeing the attack coming had left me too stunned to stop it fast enough.

"Yuri! Yuki!" Conrad called and hit the guy who had attacked us both. He fell unconscious and I gave out shuddery breaths. But I heard Yuri gasp and I looked at him to see if he was hurt, only to see him scared and horrified.

"This can't be real....this can't be real! This has to be a dream!" He said with wide eyes and I looked at Conrad to see what he meant. I covered my mouth and my eyes went wide. There stood Conrad, his left arm sliced clean off.

"Conrad!" I screamed and he panted from the pain.

"I told you before; I would give up my arms, my heart or my life for you." He said as he look directly at Yuri.

"No....Conrad!" I cried, tears filling my eyes but he smiled through the pain and looking at us.

"It's alright. I swear to you, I will never die...I will never leave you on your own." We couldn't move. We were both frozen solid and I failed to notice more people send fire blasts at us. Failed to stop the next oncoming attack. Failed to stop what was going to happen.

It caused an explosion and we were thrown back. Towards the painting that held the portal home. Away from our friend who needed help.

We fell into the painting and I dropped my sword as I reached out to Conrad. Hoping to pull him with us to safety. But I failed again.


And then I blacked out as darkness covered my whole being.

I... failed.

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