Tell Me Why!?

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Tell Me Why!?

Yuki's POV

We ran down the maize like alleyways and streets. Moving around people as we went. I still had my hand in his and his unwillingness to let go was starting to really tick me off. We ran with the guards still behind and we were slowly out running then. When we came to the open square we waved past people and soon lost them. After stopping we bent down a little, holding our knees as we tried to catch our breaths. After we did I look at the stranger I still had no name off and said angrily.

"I thought... I told you... to not... bring me... into your mess!" I say to him and grab his collar, looking at him in anger. I was slightly out of breath, but he was fine. Not even a drop of sweat on him.

"Sorry little blue but it had to be done!" He says rather slyly a smirk across his face. This just made me angrier at him.

"Don't call me that, I have a name!"And why 'little blue' anyway!

He just looked at me and I sighed letting go of him. Then I realized his hand was still tightly rapped around my wrist.

"Princess!" Two very familiar voices called out. We shot up our heads and looked up to see familiar blonde and brown head of hair coming out way. I was about to move towards them but I was pulled behind the stranger with white hair. His grip tightening slightly, making me wince. "I wouldn't get any-" Again he was cut of by the cry of 'get them two!' We looked up to see the guard looking and pointing at us both.

"Well it was nice to meet you both but Yuki and I really must be going!" The man says, and with that my feet were no longer on the ground. He hade pick me up and held me princess style (or bridle style) and took off running again. I looked to see Wolfram and Conrad had blended into the crowd and was looking at my captor in slight concussion.

I looked up at him and saw he was looking straight forward and a look of determination on his face. I was still slightly confused why he didn't just leave me with Wolfram and Conrad. And why when I went to them he pulled me behind him. It was like he didn't want me to go with them.

As I looked at him the more my heart started to race more and more. Just who is this guy? He looks down at me and smiling cockily at me, making me racing heart jump. 'He really is handsome.' I think and i can scenes my face going red.

"You okay Yuki? Your face is a little red!" He says. I look away and gave him a 'hump' in response. "Can I get a name now?" I say still not looking at him. "Or are you gonna be mean and not hand one over!"

"No I will, just not yet!" He says and I quickly look at him. He winks at me and then looks a head and carries on running. 'Why that good for nothing pompous brat!' I say to myself, he's toying with me! He turns a corner and he runs to a door. He opens it and carries me in and locked the door back up.

I look around in his arms and see the room looked like an ordinary storage room. There was wood and boxes around the room. It was cool and nice. You have to walk a few steps down to get there and mister no name seemed to have no troubles get down with me still in his arms.

He walked to one of the boxes and carefully placed me down on one. He then stood up straight and looked around for something. "If you need some help, you know you can ask me. Right?" I say to him but he shook his head.

"I'm only looking looking for bandages and cloth. You can sit down and relax." He say but doesn't look at me. I shake my head and look next to me. They were right here in a box and he hasn't even noticed yet. What a baka! I grab them and hold then up as I replied with...

"Oh, you mean these?" I say as I held them up. I smiled at his flustered looking face and ushered him over. He sat down on one of the boxes and looked at me. "Where does it hurt?" I ask him and waited for him to reply.

Silently he hands over his arm and just kept looking at me. I roll up his sleeve to see a big gash along his arm and blood around it. I look up at him and then back down. My eyebrow twitched in irritation. This guy was an idiot.

Calmly picking up a bottle of disinfect I in screw the lid and spill a little in the cloth. I pick up his arm gentle and look at him. With I rub hard on his arm. He cringed and tried to pull back but I wouldn't let go.

"OWWWWWW, OUCH! Okay, okay I get it. Your upset!" He says and I let go of his arm.

"I'm not upset... I'm infuriated, how can one person be so reckless?! You knew your arm was this bad and yet you carried me all the way here!" I say and look down as I felt tears prick the backs of my eyes. Still looking down I let my hair cover my face. My hand, which were on my lap, were balled into fists and I let the tears run down my face.

"If you knew it was this hard why push your self. You could of left me with Conrad and Wolfram but you didn't, so tell me why!" I say still looking down. My question was met with silence. That made me even more angry at him.

I looked up at him and his face twists in shock. I had let my tears run down my face and I looked him in the eye. "TELL ME WHY!"I shout. "Why in the hell did you do that!?" I say gentler to him as I start to shack in frustration, how can one person be so stupid. "I'm sorry!" Was all he said in pulled me into a hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and my face was placed into the crook of his neck.

I wiped away the tears and held onto him. It was weird, I was always on my own when I was little. But now I was cared for and looked after by others. I liked it. I never had this before and I really, really liked it.We stay like this for a few more minutes until I pulled away. I was now calm and I looked at his arm.

Silently I finished cleaning and bandaging his arm. After, I stood up and smiled. I looked at him at I thought of what to do next. I really need to find Yuri and the others.

"Hey stranger!" I say to him and he looks up. "Thanks for what you did. But I need to go find my brother and the rest." I say and started to move to the door.

"I can't let you do that princess!" He says from behind me. I was gonna ask what he meant when I was suddenly picked up again and was placed on his shoulder.

"Hey put me down!" I say and hit him on his back. "I need to see my brother!"

"It fine, you'll see everyone soon so relax!" He says and puts me in a s chair he finds in a corner. He brings out rope from gods know where and firmly and tightly ties me with it. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!" I shout and try to lash at the rope, but it was no good. He was about to answer when the door opened and in walked Conrad, Wolfram, a woman and a small child.

"What is going on!" Wolfram asked as he looked at me, glaring holes in to Mystery Guy head, tied to the chair and then to Mystery Guy himself.

"She tried to find you but I tied her up to this here chair to stop her from getting out." Mystery Guy says and kicks my chair leg like it was normal. I manage to kick him in the ankle and smile as his groans on pain. Then I remember that Conrad and Wolfram were here.

"Is Yuri and Gwendal with you guys. Where's my brother!" I say and look at them. They refused to look me in the eye. Oh no this can't be good. "We can't find them Princess. But we will!" Conrad says looking at me in determination. "I promise you that!"

Hey guys I just put the pic up at the top after going through my FB. It made me laugh.

Any way's hope you like my book so far. Please save, comment and vote my book.

Peace out my Otaku's! 🤗

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