Chest Pains and Magic

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Chest Pains and Magic

We rode for a while before stopping and when we did Wolfram grabbed Yuri and looked him over. "Are you okay, did they hurt you? Did they torture you!" He says but Yuri laughed nervously. He slid of his horse and moved over and helped me down onto the ground. I place my foot down and make sure to not apply pressure to my right foot.

"No all I did was sleep on a flurry couch was all. What about you Yuki-." He was cut off when Conrad got off his horse and knelt in front of him and me. "I have no excuse for myself you highness'!" He says

"What?" Yuri and I looked stupefied at this.

"I vowed to protect you and the princess at even the cost of my own life and yet I failed you!" He says with his head hung. Aw Conrad.

"Oh please Conrad, stop it. Don't lower your head!" He says and I go to stand in front of him, but when I put my foot down and the slight pressure send a pain up my right foot. Ouch, okay it really, really hurts! But I, of course, ignore the pain as I walk over as Conrad replied.

"But sire?" He replied glumly.

"It's okay really. Yozak helped us get out of there. Wearing the most obvious drag get up ever!" I say and Yuri gasped. I turn to look at him and the look on his dace made me realise something important. "We almost forgot! We're at war!" We say at the same time. Making the two look at us weirdly at our synced speech.

"At war?" Wolfram asks. "I see, Gwendal finally decided to make a move." Conrad replied. Yuri went to say something but I never heard. The pain in my foot getting worse. I was gonna fall.

I sway slightly and fall back, landing on my butt. I see Conrad get up and run to help me.

"Princess are you okay?" But I couldn't answer. My ears start to ring and I felt like I was on fire. My chest feeling tight. I had felt this before, for nearly 13 years. Why now! It was meant to be gone, my testing came back clear, so why now! "Yuki what's wrong?" Yuri says coming in to view.

"My chest... It hurts!" Was all I say as my world faded into black?

Yuri's POV

"My Chest... It hurts!" Was all my sister says as she's blacks out. This is not good. If it's 'that' then she needs proper medical treatment. "Conrad we need to go to where the others are! Now!" I say getting back onto Wolfram's horse.

"But Yuki?" He says and I look at him to see her in his arms. A look of worry and panic on his face. "Hold her, she needs Gisela." I say and push Wolfram forwards. He was looking at his brother in suspicion but takes off to find Gwendal and the others.

This was gonna bring up more conversation later, and I already feel guilty for not seeing her in 5 years. We all forgot Yuki, my sister. My other half. Our visits came weekly, to monthly, to yearly until it stopped and we just... forgot.

Yuki's POV

I hear shouting and the sound of fighting. I groan and turn my head. My chest was fine but the pain in my ankle still there. I sit up slowly opening my eyes as I did so. Only to close them again in shock, hoping the scene in front of me wasn't real.

I was in Yuri's arms and what seemed like a giant tornado around us. But Yuri looked different, his hair was longer and a hard look was in his eyes that was never there. I look to see men around us looking both scared and surprised.

Then he spoke.

"I have no more tears to cry, over meaningless slaughter. Nothing good ever comes from war." He says. Even his voice was different. "You are all pig-headed fools to ignore the words of the demon king. Regardless as to who is right and decide to wage war are all guilty of choosing the low rode! Justice be done! You'll all pay!" He exclaimed and the tornado of wind blow up. Pushing outward and whipping all from its feet. I hide my face in his chest and close my eyes tightly. I felt his arms arms tighten around me as I did so.

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