Big... What!?

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If you are all university/collage students... can anyone give a shout if your all happy that your summer is here and you can relax the next month or two. I am... well anyways, here is reallllly late chapter. Don't forget to read, vote, comment and enjoy 😊

Big... What!?

Gwendal's POV

I looked around the remains of the burned down church. The bodies of the enemies were being wrapped up by the soldiers. I walked to Wolfram who was sitting with Greta.

"What happened?" I asked and Wolfram stood up.

"Its too much to ask of from a child." He said and I sighed. 

"Its ok....I can talk about it. Conrad and Günter didn't think that the enemy would come so deep into the kingdom. They thought we would be safe and let me come. They said I could be with Yuri for a while...." She said sadly and I sighed out again. "Is he really dead? Is Yuri, Conrad, Günter and big sister really dead? Just like my mother?" She asked and a shock passed through my chest.

'I didn't find a trace of Yuki being here?'

"Why is it that everyone I love always dies? Is it my fault? Is it my fault that they're all dead?" She cried out and rushed to hugged my legs. I looked down at her before moving to get down to her level and tried to look strong.

"If Yuri was here, would he have said that it was your fault?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, he wouldn't."

"Then there's your answer."

I asked one of the soldiers to take care of her until we got back to the demon kingdom and I called 2 of the other soldiers to give me the head count of the causalities.

"Among all the bodies, we did not find the body of his majesty or that of the princess." One of them said and I felt a spark of hope.

"So its highly possible that the king and the princess are alive." I said and they nodded.

"Yes, your Excellency." 

But the bad thing was that we found Conrad's severed arm. We didn't know if he was alive or dead because we couldn't find his body either. I clenched my fists giving instructions to the soldiers. I looked at the horizon.

Your majesty and your highness, please be safe. 

I clenched my jaw and walked towards the horses.


Yuki's POV

"Mmgh...." I groaned feeling the hard ground under my body. I opened my eyes slowly and pushed myself up using my arms. I sat up and rubbed my face and looked around. I was sitting in the middle of some kind of meadow and I couldn't see anyone around either.

I frowned and stood up. The last thing I remember was Conrad fighting and his arm......and Yuri and I....wait a minute.

"Yuri! Yuri! Greta! Where are you?" I called but I heard no answer. Was it possible that we had landed in different places? After all, we weren't actually summoned by the demon kingdom, so there was a possibility that there wasn't a balance in how we were summoned.

But I had a feeling that I hadn't returned to earth and I was still in the other world. Deciding that I should probably look around and find some help. Thinking so, I stood up and dusted my clothes. I picked a random direction and began walking that way.

It took me almost an hour to come across some sort of civilization. Well actually, it was a pretty big city. I stepped out from behind the trees and looked around. But I jumped when I heard a high pitched scream. I looked to the side and blinked out, seeing a girl looking at me in fear.

Ah, heck don't tell me...

"Oh no! ! A demon!" she yelled and ran away and I sweatdropped.

Yup. Well that reaction obviously meant I wasn't in the Demon Kingdom anymore nor was I back in Japan. And... I was definitely in trouble.

I decided that it was probably high time I run and hide, but I didn't have any time to even take a step.

I was immediately surrounded by soldiers and they pointed spears and swords at me and I froze up. Great, just great!

I lifted my hands in defense and gave a sheepish smile but the soldiers glared and they came to bind my hands behind my back.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! That hurts! Be gentler will you?!" I yelled as they shackled my arms behind my back. It was tight and painful.


But they just yelled at me to keep quiet and pushed me forward. I gave a sigh and as we walked through the streets, people glared at me and whispered among themselves while giving me dirty looks. I rolled my eyes which widened when we made it to a huge castle. I looked up at the doors and swallowed thickly.

Well damn.

I was pulled through the castle and finally into the throne room. I was pushed to my knees and 2 soldiers held their spears at my neck and I sighed. This was comforting.

I looked up and noticed a kinda funny looking man sitting on the throne. He wore a purple outfit and a hat with a feather. He had wavy brown hair and cunning looking eyes. He also had a goatee and he watched me with a glare.

"A woman from the demon tribe who dares to trespass human territory? Into Big Cimeron!" He bellowed.

Big... what!? Wait not important...

He flinched at the expression I gave and I gave a mental smirk. This guy looked like a coward. A cunning guy, but definitely a coward. "My men!" He called out and I scoffed. One of the soldiers brought his spear closer and I took a sharp breath.

Few men in white uniforms stepped out and I looked up to glare at them too, but I faltered when I saw one person walk out from behind the king. My eyes went wide and I felt like time had stopped.

There he stood, with all the other soldiers, dressed in the clothes of Big Cime-whatever and giving me a hard stare just like the other. And for the first time, I felt lost and cornered and the only thing that I could do was let out a airy breath and say his name in utter shock.


What... the fuck!

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