Telling The Tale

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Telling The Tale

Yuki's POV

"Okay well it all started when I was two and my family and I were visiting the states for one of my father's business trips." I say and the time comes to my mind.


No One's POV

The Shibuya children were in their  family's hotel suite, when their mommy and daddy were arguing about a work think. The two youngest children were not paying attention to the conversation and were more bothered about the T.V. in front of them. The oldest was just sighing at his mama's shouting and looked at his twin siblings, both who were gripping each other's hands like they usually do. He sighed once more and quickly wrote a note to his parents and moved to kneel down next to his younger twin brother and sister.

Their daddy was suddenly in front of all three and shouts in shock and horror. He looked at his youngest son and sweatdropped due to his outfit. Their mother had once again dresses both Yuki and Yuri in frilly girly clothing which would seen normal and adorable if not for the fact Yuri was a boy.

Shoma Shibuya looked at his son and laughed nervously." Yu-chan you look so sweet! Ah, that's not what I mean. You're wearing a ah. That's a skirt right." The nervous laugh again before calling to his wife. "HONEY! Yu-chan's a boy, why in the world is he wearing that stuff?"

"Hmm!" Was all that came come from their mother.

"Excuse me!" Shouri shouted to his father. "Father please try not to yell in front of little children!"

" Ah sorry." Sweatdrops appeared 'He actually told me off!' he thought "Daddy's sorry!" He raised his hand as if surrendering to his oldest sons wishes.

"Besides I think it's wrong for people to judge other people by the clothes they wear!"

"Yes you're absolutely right about that, we shouldn't judge people son." Shoma smiles then moves back as Shouri's words sink in. "Hold it, now wait a minute shou-chan. Don't get upset, this is mommy and daddy's problem okay!" He walks way as he calls to his wife.

"Papa!" Two voices spoke in sync to each other.

"It's going to be okay Yu-chan, Ki-chan. Don't you worry because it's daddy and mommy's problem."

"Ohhh!" Was all that came from their tiny lips. The sound of the T.V. bought back their attention causing them to look and giggle at the screen in front of them.

Shouri watched them both as they laughed and smiled to them both. There was a big bang and their mommy came running out of her and her husbands bedroom with her bags. All three looked at their mother in wonder as she came barreling out of her room.

"Shou-chan, Yu-chan, Ka-chan! I want you all to go pack your bags and then tell your daddy good bye."

"Wait a second honey! What in the world are you talking about?" Shoma, who had come running out after Miko, called to his wife.

"I am getting a divorce!" She called to him angrily to him.

"Just calm down sweetheart, we'll talk it over okay. Let's Talk." He said pushing her and the bags back into their room.

"NO! I have nothing to say!" She barks out as she waved her arms about.

"Come on sweetie you don't mean that!"

"Ugh all you ever do is lie to me!" Miko shouts to her husband. Shouri sighs and gets up from the bed.

"Shou-chan?" Yuki asks her big brother.

"Let's go!" Was all he said as he bent down and placed shoes on his sister and brothers tiny feet and a hat to hide his sisters rather noticeable hair. He pulls them both by their hands out of the hotel suite and then from the hotel.

"We're going out!" Yuri and Yuki call out together.

"Yeah that's right, we're going out." Shouri says with a serious look on his face as he pulls his baby brother and sister along.

"This is fun, but what about daddy and mommy?" Yuri asks his brother.

"Their not coming, sounds like they're getting a divorce!" Shouri said and kept on pulling his brother and sister with him. They walked along the curb as Shouri read from a tour guide. After asking where his little brother and sister want to go.

"Amusement Park, amusement park!" they both jumped up and down saying.

"Okay." And they were off again. All three kept walking. They went through the underground trains and over the Brooklyn Bridge.

Around half way there Yuri pointed out the giant ferris wheel."Shou-chan over there!"

Shouri looks down at his brother in confusion. "Huh what are you yelling about?"

"See, it's the amusement park!" Yuki calls out this time.

"Your right." He smiles at the twins then looks over to the ferris wheel in the distance.

"Shou-chan, oh Shou-chan." The twin's call in excitement as they pull on their brothers arms.

"You both wanna go check it out!" He asked them.

With two loud 'yes' from both children they were off towards the park. Once they were there they went on as many rides as they could. They went on the merry-go-round, the dragon's rollercoaster and the ferris wheel. Shouri also bought Yuki and yuri lot's of treats and sweets to eat. By the time they were tired the sun had started to settle.

All three were walking back towards the train, Both Yuki and Yuri had ice-cream in their hands but were eating it slowly due to sleepiness.

"I know you both sleepy but we still have to keep moving or we'll mis the train.

"Okay!" Both responded together. Yuki has lost pace with her brothers and sat down on the floor and lent against a tree near the bench Yuri and Shouri had stopped at and eat the rest of her ice-cream. Once she had finished she sat back and closed her eyes. Letting the sleepiness win.


Yuki woke up to a pain blossoming in her chest. She sat up and look to find herself sat next to her twin brother on a bench and her bigger brother looking at something. She sat up and went to grab Shouri's shirt when she went falling sideways as the pain hit harder.

She cried out in pain, catching Shouri's attention and waking her twin up.

"Ka-chan what wrong!" Shouri called out in panic. "What happened?"

Yuki tried to answer but the pain was too much. The pain was getting stronger and stronger as she lied on the floor. Her eyes slowly closed as the pain got too much and she was go in the darkest parts of her mind.

Shouri started to panic as his Baby sister's eyes closed and made to grabbed his emergency phone with his parents numbers and called his father's first. He picked up on the second ring.

"Shou-chan what's wrong?" He asked.

"Father I don't know what to do! She just collapsed on the floor and she looks so white!" Shouri fired of in a hurry. Yuri sat at his sister's side and held on to her hand tightly as he let tires of worry and fright run down his face.

"Shouri calm down. take a deep breath and tell me what's wrong!" Shoma was worried now, his eldest son was always so calm and collected and he was shocked at how scared and worried he sounded.

"It's Yuki. She collapsed and she's white, and she won't wake up!"

"Where are you right now!?" His father asked in panic.

As Shouri answers, listens and does as his father says Yuri was still crying as his sister lay with her head now in his lap and holding her hand in his.

'Don't worry Ka-chan I'll protect you. Don't you worry!'

My Blue Haired Twin! - Kyou Kara Moah!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα