{7} Jonah

805 46 12

ABOVE: ares and rori

"Damn, you look good."

Ares called at me as I walked outside. Tonight is the night of Miles Young's party, and to be fair I wasn't dressed up at all. I wear a simple outfit of blue skinny jeans and a tight black singlet, I have my curly hair down and I refuse to apply makeup. Ares is just constantly complimenting me everyday, like the sweetheart he is.

"I'm serious!" He laughs at my instant reaction of rolling my eyes, "You look like Lara Croft!"

I immediately burst out laughing as I click my seat belt in, since when did Lara Croft ever wear jeans?

"You're funny, honey." I kiss him on the cheek as he begins to drive away from my house.

I was surprised that my brothers, the complete party animals, weren't going to make an appearance. Landon said he'd rather do some training and Dexter just wants to watch Netflix.

Ares is overly excited about going to the party with me. It's all that he's talked about for the last five days. He wants to have fun with his new friends and me, he wants to have a few drinks and just break loose. As long as it doesn't get out of hand, it will be fine by me.

We continue to drive to Miles' lake house for ten minutes, parking up behind his shed. I instantly know that we're at the right place because I can hear the thumping of the music and cheering teenagers. I can smell the intoxication in the air.

"Come on, baby."

Ares hops out of his car and waits for me to follow. When I do, he locks his car and I get time to admire how good he looks. He wears a tight grey shirt that has a hood at the back, and one of his buttons are undone. I can never get over how a boy that looks this good can be mine.

He walks over to me, and puts one of his arms around me, and one of his hands in the pocket of his jeans. He kisses my head as we head towards the music.

"Ares! My main man!" Miles stumbles out of his front door, holding a bottle of vodka. He looks over the moon to see Ares with the big smile on his face.

"What's up, dude?" Ares takes his hand out of his pocket and does a fancy handshake with Miles.

"I was just waiting for you guys! Come in, come in..." Miles is a little drunk, but he drags both of us through the front door. Immediately the music hits me, it's loud and the base drowns my ears.

I can smell that not only werewolves are here, it's a mixed party. I pick up the scent of wizard, vampire and even demigod.

Miles shoves a bottle if beer each into Ares' chest and mine. I take it into my hands and pop off the cap, I notice that Ares does the same thing at the exact same time. We really are so alike, that it's kind of weird.

"Cheers!" Miles holds up his vodka and waits for us to do the same. I shrug and lift the beer bottle with Ares next to me. I take a sip of it after we touch drinks while Miles basically drowns in his drink.

"Woo!" Miles cheers thumping his fist into the air. He burps after his sudden outburst, and a little bit of fire is expelled into the air. My eyes widen in shock at how close the flames are to my face, but they disappear after a few seconds. "Woops, sorry!" Miles giggles like a little girl, holding his hand over his mouth.

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