{16} Rex

544 28 16


"Wake her up!"

A cold palm strikes my now hot cheek, making me jolt awake. Pain rushes through my face as my eyes adjust to where I am.

My wrists are tied with a thick rope around a metal chair. My legs are shackled together, and also tied against the chair. Everything hurts, and I notice how ripped my clothes are, and how filthy I am.

My eyes flutter at the bright white light at the top of these familiar stone walls. Where am I? What happened?

"Hello, Aurora." A deep voice greets me, and I freeze. Who is that?

A man with a thick black beard and yellow lensed glasses sits in front of me. He faces me with his chair around the wrong way, looking smugly at me. Memories start to come back to me, I can remember running, but running from what?

"I can see that you've taken the time to... visit us, and well, being the lovely hosts we are - we would love for you to stay longer." He chuckles and his voice makes me shake. I notice two male figures standing on each side of him, they look familiar.

Visit us? I can only remember running, running away from something. I remember being scared, scared of....

"We would love for you to converse with us." The bearded man suggests, raising a bushy eyebrows at me.


I jolt, fearing for my life. I try and wriggle my arms from the tied rope but nothing budges. I try break the shackle that my feet are tied in, but my ankle hurts terribly.

"If you struggle, you'll make it worse for your self." The bearded man informs me, and I feel my blood boil.

"What do you want?" I spit at him, literally shooting my saliva towards his face. I feel restricted and hateful, every bone in my body wants to escape.

I thrash in my seat, kicking, tugging, grunting. I should've told somebody.

"Mickey..." He says lowly, wiping my spit from his cheek. Suddenly, one if the men behind him approaches me and digs his claws into my arm.

I scream in pain, at the top of my lungs, hoping that someone will hear me. He twists his nails in my forearm and I feel like he's ripping through every muscle in my body.

"Stop!" I wail, still screaming like a banshee. He looks over to the bearded man, who gives him a light nod. Mickey rips his claws out from my skin and returns to his spot next to Beardie.

"If you comply nicely, this doesn't have to happen." He fakes a smile. My arms burn and all I want is to get out of here, they're going to try and break me and I'd like to see them try.

All I could think about was Ares. And Landon. Dexter. Ash. God, they wouldn't have a clue about where I am...

"Okay." I say quietly, not showing any sign of aggression. The only way they'll stop hurting me is if I act calmly.

"Good," Beardie smirks, the corner of his mouth raising at my word. "Now, Aurora. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Chief, you will refer to me as only Chief and nothing else. You may only speak when I let you. If you attempt to defy my rules, you will be punished. We will not hesitate to be ruthless."

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