{25} Aranlesa

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exams are over i am free.

if i gave u guys $1 everytime i said sorry for not updating u guys would be rich af



"I will rip your fucking heads off! Come closer I fucking dare you! I'm going to kill everyone of---"

"Ares! Shut up!" Angel exclaims, holding her hands against her ears. Huddled in a corner, her clothes look ratty and ripped. Her jeans have greenish grass marks up and down her knees, her pink sweater is beginning to destrand itself blending in with the dirt and leaves she's managed picked up. "Honestly! Do you think they'll really let us go if you threaten to kill the bastards?"

I press my head against the bars we're trapped behind. The metal is cold against my skin, and is splotched with dried blood. It reeks of earthy sulfur down here. I thought that I'd finally got used to the smell months ago, but the familiar smell is back again to haunt me. The light bulb dangling from the ceiling is barely in working order, sparking and dimming every two seconds. If I listen hard enough I can hear screaming protruding from another room, most likely torture.

A terrible place that I thought I'd never see again, the Rogue's Den. I'm trying to keep myself together, trying not to rip the next person I see apart. They took me from my home, from my mate, my two sons. It all happened so fast, it surprises that they could even wrap their hands around me but there were so many of them.

The rogues took all four of us. Angel, Sapphire, Leroy and myself. I don't know what their goal is, maybe to lure the four alpha children to their den? To get back at them? This is all gone far past what I can comprehend. But as they as if so much lay of finger on one of us, I'm going to beat the living shit out of them. Leroy is a part of my pack, a well trusted member whom I have become friends with. Angel is Ash's girlfriend, they have been good to me and Rori, more than I could have ever asked for. And Sapphire, well I don't know her and I don't particularly like her mate but I'll probably get my ass beat if I don't protect her.

I get the pleasure of being thrown head first into a cell with Angel. She was here first, shaking, distraught, confused. Sadly, being the complete opposite - trembling, angry and violent, I haven't been able to comfort the poor girl. They took her from Ash, and me from Aurora, that's all I know and that's all we have in common.

Beyond the bars, the cell three meters in front of us holds captive Sapphire and Leroy. I watch Leroy hang upside down, swinging from a pipe on the ceiling while Sapphire folds her arms and sulks. I shake the bars, trying to break free, but they're too strong.

"I need to get out of here, I need to see Rori!" I scream, my face pressed between two steel bars my lips shaking.

"We all need to get out of here. I need Asher, Leroy needs Dexter and Sapphire needs Landon. We're all in the same boat here." Angel speaks from behind me. I watch as Leroy flips down the ceiling, joining in on our conversation.

"She's right." He says rather calmly. Leroy looks the worst out of the four of us. Scratches down the side of his brown face, blood smeared across his uneven jawline. So many tears are ripped into his shirt, holes all through his pants. He received quite the beating.

"Don't worry, Landon will save us." Sapphire buds in with a hint of attitude. "He almost stopped them you know. I almost got away. But they got him, he couldn't protect me anymore. But he'll be back, I just know it."

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