{21} Kiles

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ABOVE: Ares & Rori

"Are you ready?"

Ares and I look at each other, exchanging the same worried look. Dr Cooper looks at us, hesitantly hovering the ultrasound stick over my stomach.

Are Ares and I ready for a baby? No. Are we going to have it anyway? Yes.

A gift from the moon goddess, I reminded myself. 

"As ready as we'll ever be." Ares says, clutching to my hand. I let him. 

Whatever anger, pain, sadness I felt towards him; I had to let it go right now. He was really the only one in the world who felt the same thing I was feeling right now. I needed him, as much as I didn't want to. 

As I lay on the patient bed, Doc begins to rub the stick with gel on my stomach. It's cold, and it makes me think about just how real everything is. If I told my younger self I'd be pregnant at sixteen, I wouldn't believe it. I'd be mad, fuming. But for me to be angry towards myself now would cause resentment towards this baby, and I want it to feel loved.

"You're two weeks pregnant." Doc says, squinting at the screen in front of us. "The due date will roughly be around June 1st."

That's just over 5 months away, and hearing that makes me feel nervous. Werewolf pregnancies are only 6 months, I wish I had more time. I look to Ares who is glued to the screen, his eyes follow every movement. I wonder how he really feels. I don't think he's ready, I'm not ready either, but I know he needed something like this. He needed a silver lining, and perhaps our child will be it.

"Would you like to know if it's a litter? And what gender?"

I nod without consulting with Ares, but I find that he does the same. I know that litters run in families. My mother had triplets and then Ash. Ares' mother had Ares and then twins. The thought scared me, but not as much as I thought it would.

I was already pregnant. It was going to be hard, I was going to lose my pack. A litter, wouldn't make it much worse.

"Well," Doc adjusts hus glasses so that his eyes can meet the screen. I'd be lying if I said my heart wasn't pounding.

"You're having twins."

I squeeze Ares' hand even more than I have been already. I don't know how to feel. I'm happy that it's not a tremendous number, but it makes my nervousness build knowing I have two babies.

"Both boys."

I look to Ares who has a small smile on his face. Two boys. I can't help but feel a little happy about the news, my two baby boys. For a moment I think my heart is about to pound out of my chest, but then I realize it's not my heart - it's Ares'.

I understand that this is everything he needs at the moment. Everyone has turned against him, he needs this. I'm happy to know that he wants this. I can't even imagine how distraught I would be if Ares didn't want these pups, I am so grateful. The moon goddess has blessed me with an accepting mate, but right now, I need a bit more than just acceptance.

"See here," Doc smiles and points to a round shape in my stomach. "Here's number one, and here's his brother."

Ares shakes with happiness, I can easily pick up his chemo signals. I admire the two little dots that are half and half Ares. I can only imagine their wicked eyes. Mine a vibrant green, and Ares a dark blue. .

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