{14} Axel

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ABOVE: Axel and Angel

--------3rd / Jan / 2016--------

"I'll see you all at 6am tomorrow!"

I shout at the pack warriors as well all catch our breath. I've been training them into stronger werewolves than they already are. We have to train hard, to be better than the rogues and to protect ourselves against their horrible plans.

Some of the men groan at my announcement and slump off to the pack house. Everyone but Axel leaves, and his orangish hair is a complete mess. He has a tired look on his face and the way he stands suggests that he's still trying to catch his breath.

"You all right there?" I walk over to him and he swats his hand like it's nothing.

"My quads are a little shakey." He tells me and I help him stand straight. Axel is Landon's best friend, and a good friend of mine so we're pretty close. But I suppose I'm closer to his sister Angel.

"Nothing time won't fix." I pat him on the back, as he hobbles up.

"You're right about that." He stretches his body, and makes a grunt sound. I walk with him as he starts towards his home, making sure my beta will be fine and looking for company. I also want to ask him something, that I can only trust him with.

"So, what are you up to today, Rori? How's Ares? Any plans with him?" Axel starts a conversation as we leave the training room, and head towards the Beta house.

"Ares is doing great, I'm not doing anything - but I do have something in mind..." I tell him, dropping a major hint that I hope he'll pick up.

"And what would that be?" He raises an eyebrow, sounding very suspicious. He's just fell right into my trap, and he doesn't even know it yet.

I grin evilly as I lure him into my dangerous yet appealing plan. It's definitely something I can't tell my brothers about, and it's certainly something I can't tell Ares about. But Axel? He's easy going, he's capable, and he'll easily agree into what I'm about to tell him. He's the perfect partner in crime.

"I've recently discovered new rogue information," I tell him, walking with my hands behind my back. He nods as I continue to propose my idea. "They're located in the South. I want to look for their grounds, but I can't alone. If I did that I might as well be blind folded."

"And...you want me to go with you?" Axel slows down his walking by a fraction and makes eye contact with me.

"Please, Axel. If you come, you'll be helping not just me - but everyone." I try and make my ask sound more desirable.

He looks very uninterested in the idea of this, and he even looks a little worried. But he'll come around, I know he will - I just need to convince him well enough.

"Axel, I need to go. If you don't come, I'll go by myself. I just thought that you were the only person that would understand this."

The look of absolute hesitation strikes his face multiple times, he's unsure. I don't blame him either, I'm just as unsure about this as he is. But I have to do this, I have to go. I don't know where these group of rogues are, but maybe if I did - I'd have the upper hand. If I knew where they were, I could consult with them, spy on them even just watch them. They have something against my pack, and I want to know why.

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