{12} Marvin

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ABOVE: Thena & Zeus

dedications to: RenaiWhite! drop her some follows and reads :)

'Meeting in the pack house in 10' -Dex

The text message was self explanatory, and important. I ditched my bowl of corn flakes and fled back to my room to get changed from my pathetic pajama shorts.

All Alpha born children have been given the day off from school today to attend this meeting that my pack is hosting. We're supposed to discuss and arrange the information we have about the declared war, which is going to be interesting. I can imagine everyone talking over each other trying to be the loudest voice.

I throw on my typical combat boots, blue skinny jeans and a baggy maroon sweater. I pull on gloves and wrap my scarf around my neck before bracing myself for the cold outside.

I trudge onwards to the pack house that has more cars parked outside than usual. I never go to the pack house, and it's pretty bad that I'm late to my own meeting.

I walk through the doors and the toasty warm air hits me. Someone's put the fire on, thank Moon Goddess. I feel myself melting as I close the door behind me, it's so cold outside.

"Rori, you're late tsk tsk." Someone calls from the living room so I immediately follow. My eyes meet Monica who's sitting on the floor next to her brother Marvin. The room is surrounded by every Alpha Born and Beta in this region. Sadly, it doesn't include Ares. And to my dismay, it does include his half sister Thena.

"Well finally, Ror." Landon folds his arms in the middle of the room as I lean against the door frame. He's standing while everyone sits around him, some of us stand around the edges of the room.

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes at him, "Why are we having this here, anyway?"

Everyone knows that Monica and Marvin have the biggest pack in the region, so why would we meet here? My brothers and I have a large pack, but it's not as big as theirs. Also, the war wouldn't be on us, we didn't do anything wrong. Everyone looks at me strangely, and I even catch Kyle's eyes stare at me oddly.

"Did no one tell you?" Thena scoffs, sitting next to Zeus with a sharp glare. "Their only attacking your pack."

The heart absolutely stopped, and I'm sure everyone heard it. It felt like my world was crashing down around me, why my pack? How could my pack possibly survive a war? We'd be left burning to the ground, with nothing but rubble and dirt. My breath hitches and I stay strong, I can't show any form of emotion. Being a pack leader isn't easy, if I show that I'm worried it inflict worry on everyone else.

"Why?" Is all that comes out of my mouth. I'm not asking anyone in particular, I just need someone to tell me.

"W-We don't know..." Dexter stutters and I put it all behind me for the moment. I can't afford to show my vulnerability in front of everyone, especially when I am the head of military.

Everything goes quiet for a few minutes, except for some murmurs. I can't help but let my heart race, I'm so worried.

"Alright, everyone." Landon coughs, standing in a firm stance as he makes his pitch to everyone. "I can't expect all of you to join us, but this involves your pack too. This is our region, our territory. By joining us, you'll make yourself known. You have our backs, we'll have yours. Who's in?"

Of course the first person to raise their hand and offer them self is Kyle Tonks. His hand darted up as fast as lightening and he cleared his throat.

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