#3 "Stop It..."

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Harry: You cuddled into Harry, laying on his chest and buried your head in the crook of his neck. He sat you up, and sat criss cross applesauce across from you on the cushy mattress. You giggled, giving him a puzzled look. He smiled. "Can I take a second to admire you?" He asked, love in his eyes. You nodded, letting him proceed. "Okay." he began, taking your hands in his, looking into your eyes. "You... are the most perfect person I have ever come across. You're beyond sweet, and not just to me, or your family, or friends, or old people, but everybody. You're patient with all of the shit i put you through. You're sexy. Like you do things to me... That I don't even understand. You're hilarious. I know I'm a bit snappy, but you can sass me right back. But really, the most amazing thing about you... or us... is that we shouldn't work together, but we do. I'm a dirtbag, and you're the girl next door. We're completely opposite, but we fit. And I really just... love you. I love every tiny thing about you. And I always will." He smiled, tears running down both of your faces. You could feel yourself blushing. "Oh... stop it...." You whispered. Harry leaned forward and hugged you tightly. "I love you so much, Harry..." you mustered between tears.

Niall: You breathed heavily as the hot irishman kissed your neck forcefully. "God... you're so hot..." He breathed on your soft skin, driving you crazy. You had only met him about an hour ago, and you had agreed to go back to his place, in the spur of the moment. You removed his shirt, continuing your makeout session on his couch. You let out a little moan as he bit your lip. You knew what he wanted, but you didn't know if you were ready for it. He kept taking it farther, and farther, and farther. The reality of how intimate you were being, finally set in. "Stop..." you whispered. "Stop it..." you breathed, and he immediately backed off. You sat in silence for a minute, feeling like a major tease. "I'm so sorry... I just... I don't think i can do this..." You shrugged, obviously embarrassed. You walked towards the door, grabbing your coat. The blonde jumped up and ran towards you. "Hey! Where are you going?" He asked, a tint of sadness in his thick, accented voice. You smiled slightly. "I don't know... home? I mean you only brought me back here for sex... so..." The cute boy shook his head with a smile. "No, I brought you back here because you're cool. And I want to know you." You gave him a cute grin as he led you back to the couch. He sat you down and grabbed a bin of DVD's. "so whaddaya think, I've got some Disney, I've got the inbetweeners movie, I've got some real sappy ones that I'm ashamed to own, you pick." He smiled, handing you the bin. You were pleased. He was actually a nice guy. He wanted to be your friend, even if he knew that no sex was involved. You pulled out "no strings attached" and smiled. "One of my favorites". You giggled as he popped in the DVD. He looked back at you and smiled. "Me too! So funny..." He sunk into the couch and put his arm around you. You snuggled up with him for the rest of the night, until you fell asleep in his arms. The next morning, seeing the temperatures had dropped dramatically, he handed you his jacket to take on your way home. "Nah, you'll probably want this back." You smiled, handing him the coarse leather. He chuckled, pushing it back into your arms. "Just think of this- now you HAVE to hang out with me again." You said your goodbyes, and even got a kiss. As you walked down the street, you noticed something poking you through the pocket. You pulled out a little slip of paper that read, "385-555-4890" you flipped it over and read, "I had so much fun. Call me ;) -Niall"

Louis: You were sitting on the floor of one of Louis' sister's room, in a circle with his other sisters and Jay. You were having a "girls night", seeing Louis had gone off on another leg of the tour, and you got lonely. You were going around the circle, sharing embarrassing stories about Louis. These were hilarious to listen to, and it really opened your eyes about your boyfriend. It was your turn. "So one time, I had gone out for a coffee, and I told Louis to vacuum the den whilst I was gone, and I come home to find Louis, butt naked, dancing around the flat to "ice ice baby", using the vacuum as his microphone." You nodded, as if to say, "it's true, really". The girls erupted in laughter, following a round of questions such as "did you get pictures?","was his dancing dreadful?" You giggled along with the girls until Lottie exclaimed that it was her mother's turn. Jay bit her lip in anticipation. "I've got a good one". She smiled, as the rest of you leaned in, egging her to continue. "When Louis was about 12, he didn't know much about the birds and the bees. I'd try to teach him, but he refused to hear it. I remember at least 5 times, where he had come to me, complaining that he had an STD, just because his 'wee wee' hurt every morning." You, Lottie, Fizzy and Jay all burst into laughter, and Jay covered her mouth with guilt, knowing how embarrassing that was. "STOP IT! STOP IT!" You jokingly yelled inbetween laughs, not wanting to believe what you just heard.

Liam: "Okay, would you rather... Kiss a lion, or kiss Paul." Liam joked. You were sprawled out across the den floor, playing Liam's favorite game, "would you rather". You chuckled hysterically at the conflicting question. "PAUL!" You blurted, covering your face as Liam's jaw dropped. "WHAT?!" He yelled while laughing out of control. You rolled over, not wanting to see him. He jokingly picked you up, threw you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and smacked your bum over and over again. "YOU WOULD KISS MY 40 SOMETHING MARRIED TOUR MANAGER?!" He gasped between spanks. "You are a naughty, naughty girl!" He smiled, tossing you into the couch, starting a wrestle fight. "You know I hate lions!" You squealed, tackling him on the ground. He flipped you over, him now on top of you. He began to tickle you, driving you nuts. "STOP IT LIAM!" You screamed as he flopped down on the ground next of you, you both in a fit of laughter. Zayn: Zayn had managed to be even more of a dick than usual today. You wanted him home with you, to be able to fall asleep next to him for one night, instead of him going out partying like always. "Zayn, all I'm asking is for one night where you'll let me fall asleep on you." He ran his hands through his hair. "Does it really mean that damn much to you?" He scoffed. You rolled your eyes. "Is it that horrible that I want a little quality time with my boyfriend?" You questioned, making him fall silent. He finally stormed into your bedroom, throwing on his pajamas. You met him in the room as he climbed into bed with you. "Dammit, y/n, why do you do this?" He rolled his eyes at you. You stayed as far away from him as the bed would allow. This was definitely not how you planned it. "What, love you? I never even get to see you that much at all anymore. It sucks. And all I wanted was one night for me to fall asleep in your arms because dammit Zayn, I care about you." Your voice quivered. A year fell down your cheek. Zayn sighed, grabbing your waist and pulling you into him. You resisted. "Stop it." You whispered. He didn't listen. He pulled you in, wrapping his arms around you. "I'm sorry... I love you..." He cooed into your ear, kissing your head.

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