#55 Scratches

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Liam- The running water is shut off as you wake in the morning. You know Liam was in the shower and just as you are ready to start the day he steps out the steamy bathroom. Looking up at you he blushes. “Hey," he simply says shifting through the racks of clothes in the closet. Turning his back, you spot a good amount of scratches. “Liam, what happened?" you cluelessly ask walking up to feel the bumpy surface formed on his skin. By now Liam was a tomato, turning he grabs your hand kissing every finger point softly. “You. Last night. That’s what happened," he says chuckling afterwards.

Zayn- “If you were to compare [y/n] to a movie character, who would it be?" Harry asks Zayn as they sit in a circle sharing stories and laughs. He bites his lips thinking very deep on the appropriate answer to give. “I got it," he says to no one in particular. Turning his gaze to Harry and the rest of the lads he says, “Edward Scissorhands." The boys look at him deeply confuse. “What do you mean?" Liam says giving him a quizzical look. He stands removing his shirt and revealing the deep scratches. He gives them a knowing look and they seem to catch on. “Mate, she did that?" Louis says happy as a little boy on Christmas Day.

Niall- “It’s just a little scratch," you say examining Niall’s hand. “A little scratch? That is like a third degree cut. Is that even possible?" He questions his sarcastic self. You laugh at his remark and accidently touch his cut causing Niall to wince. “Cut. I forgot. Sorry," you say. “Besides," he stops shortly to discard his shirt, “these are scratches." He points indicating the marks you left on his torso. You gasp, “Niall, why didn’t you tell me?" “I didn’t want you to, you know," he hesitates rubbing the back of his neck with his healed hand, “I didn’t want you to feel you had to go soft on me because I like it rough and wow I just made everything awkward."

Harry- He winced as he stood up from the couch to grab some water. “Harry," you said in a questioning tone. “Yeah?" He yelled from the kitchen. He then stood his lean body on the kitchen’s doorway. “Are you okay," you ask noticing his stiff movements. “Yeah," he replied quickly avoiding eye contact. “Take off your shirt," you demand. “Uh, yeah. I’m kind of tired and we did just do it last night so can we-" “Harry! I said take off your shirt," you demand once again. He does as you say and he exposes the scratches you left behind. You can’t help but laugh at what you caused and the fact he hid it from you. “Stop enjoying this so much," he smirks as he notices you biting your lip trying to hold in your laughter.

Louis- “You are something else," he interrupts as you read from a book enjoying a lazy Sunday. “I’m not quite sure where you’re getting at," you say turning your gaze to him standing at the end of the couch. “Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. You know exactly what I’m referring to," he raises his voice in disbelief as you deny his statement. “Louis, seriously, I don’t know what you’re talking about," you yell ready to burst in laughter of the situation. “Don’t play Miss. Innocent. I had to sit for an hour listening to Lou give me a lecture and been interrogated and laugh at by the boys because of this," he says lowering his turtle neck revealing scratches. “Do you think that’s bad? Look at these!" you lower your shirt revealing your collarbones covered with black and blue love bites. “Dang, those are bad," he said feeling guilty all of a sudden. 

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