#4 Over Again

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Niall: His eyes pierced through you, and you shuddered at the feel. “How do you keep doing that to me Niall after so many years?" His chuckle was low and it rumbled, sending tingles through your body. “I don’t quite know, but how about we go upstairs and i remind you over and over again? Yeah?" you grinned. “Yeah!"

Liam: “Can we do it over again, (YN)! I don’t like it!" You suppressed a sigh as your husband spoke. “Liam, the baby’s only going to be in here for so long, once she grows out of pink, we’ll change it over again, okay?" He nodded. “Okay." You grinned. “By the way the baby will like it no matter what, her daddy did it for her!"

Louis: He lied again. Said he’d be home by a certain time, and never showed up. The dinner got cold, you got tired. Television was on, you were on the couch asleep. Louis walked in, saw you, kicked himself and made sure to kiss your forehead. “I’ll never be late again, (YN), i promise you, over and over again, i’ll never be late!"

Zayn: The paper creased under the pressure of his hand as it glided across, slowly creating the creation in his mind. Being his model, you just sat as over and over again, he’d look up over the paper, give you a quick smile and went back to work on you. It was all worth it, you were both doing what you loved.

Harry: His son caught the ball again and threw it back to his father. “How many times are we going to throw the ball dad?" Harry grinned. “As many times as we have to until we get you noticed for your baseball skills!" Your son groaned. “But that means we have to do it over and over again!" Harry nodded. “Yeah, but remember, hard work pays off in the end, trust me on that!"

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