#16 Your Child's First Christmas

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Harry: “Alright, ready for the big present?” you asked Grayden and Trent, as Aspen sat on your lap. Harry smiled and dragged out two huge boxes from in the kitchen. “This one is for Grayden and Trent. And this one is for my baby girl” he smiled, and Aspen smiled a little. Grayden and Trent tore through the wrapping paper of their present. “A new car?!” they asked excitedly. You and Harry had bought the boys a custom child size Range Rover. It even had a little radio inside and fake seatbelts. “Cool!” they said, looking at the box. “Do you want to help Aspen open hers?” you asked, bringing her over to the box. The boys ripped the wrapping paper revealing the huge play doll house. It was big enough for Aspen to go in, but had dolls and accessories to make it a doll house, too. Aspen hugged the box and you and Harry smiled, happy with the kid’s reactions to Aspen’s first Christmas.

Louis: “I want” Shane said, reaching for the next box. “Hey” you whispered. “Pleeee” he said, and Louis smiled. He slid Shane the box and he looked up at you. You took his hands in yours and opened the box. “Car!” he said, revealing a huge dump truck for his blocks. “Pick up truck” you corrected, but he was too busy sliding the truck across the floor to notice. You shot Louis a look, feeling overwhelmed, and he smirked. You were surrounded by presents. You wouldn’t be able to see Louis past it all if he wasn’t sitting on a step. It was a little fortress around you and Shane. “I want” he said again, and you raised an eye brow to Louis. It had to be over, there couldn’t be anything left. “Last one” he said, lifting a huge box over the edge of the toy wall. “Ugh” you groaned, as Shane looked up at you and you repeated the process.

Liam: Without even really realizing it, you and Liam had barely explained to Jake what Christmas was. All of a sudden a tree was up and gifts were under it and Jake was walking as quick as he could towards them. “Mum” he squealed excitedly picking up a box and falling with it. “Christmas! Merry Christmas Jakey” you smiled, lifting him up. “Santa brought you presents” Liam said, and Jake jerked his head towards him. “Santa” Liam said, pointing to an ornament of Santa. “Sa” Jake said, and you smirked. Jake started squirming wanting at the presents, so you let him down. He ripped a piece of wrap off one of the presents and threw it in the air. He watched it fall and laughed before doing it again. “Seriously?” you asked Liam, and he smiled and shrugged. Jake played with the little piece of wrapping paper for fifteen minutes before finally opening presents.

Zayn: “Okay Haven, Moxie, let’s go” you said, sitting down on the couch with your tea in your hand. Haven was only 16 months, and Moxie was 5 months, so this was basically both their first Christmas’s. Moxie just fell into a gift while Haven grabbed one labeled to Zayn and tried to open it. “Woah woah woah” Zayn said, lifting the gift, “Here, you two sit and I will hand you presents.” The girls sat in front of Zayn and he handed them each a gift. “Moxie, that’s from Santa and Haven, that’s from Uncle Niall” he said, and you took out your camera. You took a billion pictures while Zayn handed out almost every gift under the tree to the girls. “Mum” Haven called, looking at the new ride on toy Uncle Louis had bought her. “What love?” you asked. “Christmas tomorrow?” she asked, and Zayn burst out laughing.

Niall: You woke up to Rory jumping on your bed yelling “Santa came! Santa came!” Any other day you would have been annoyed, but you rolled over and Niall smiled at you and you both hopped out of bed. Brenna was having her first Christmas, but Rory had already had three. Still, you were excited for Rory because this would probably be the first Christmas he would totally understand. You got Brenna out of her crib and set her down so she could crawl to the tree. “Here Benna, let me help” Rory said, trying to help Brenna crawl quicker. Niall’s smile went from ear to ear and you gave him a kiss on the cheek. Eventually they both got to the tree. Brenna plopped down and Rory sat next to her. “Okay, this one’s to Rory from Nanna” Niall said, picking up a gift from his mom. “No, Benna first” Rory said, and your eyes went wide. “Its Benna’s first Chrismas and she should open the first gift” he said, smiling at his little sister. You couldn’t help yourself, you hopped up and scooped up Rory, showering him in kisses. “Such a good boy” you whispered, hugging him tight. The whole morning, Rory helped Brenna open her presents and showed her how to use them. You snuck Rory an extra chocolate for being so good. 

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