#57 You Find Out Your Pregnant

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Harry: You are sitting on the bathroom floor with the pregnancy test in your hands. You slowly turn the stick around and look at it blankly. You see the little + signaling you are pregnant. You start crying silently how were you going to tell your boyfriend Harry of 2 years. As if right on cue Harry burst into the bathroom. “Oh y/n sorry i didn’t know you were in….Is-is that a pregnancy test." he asked. You just continue crying and nodded your head slowly. Harry sat down next to you and took the test out of your hands. “Y/n its going to be alright we will get threw this together." You look up at Harry shocked. “Your-your not going to leave me?" You asked. He look at you shocked. “Y/n i will never leave you or the baby!" You smiled and gave him a passionate kiss. “I love you Harry." “I love you and the baby." He smiled

Niall:  “Y/n" are you done yet?" you eager husband of one year asked you threw the bathroom door. You sighed and open the door with the pregnancy test in your hand. “Niall. I’m pregnant." Niall looked at you in shocked for a sec before pulling you into a bone crushing hug. “Y/n this is GREAT i’m going to be a dad!!!"  He said jumping in your arms. “Yes and you will be an amazing father." You smiled He stop jumping and look at you pushing a stand of your hair behind your ear. “and you will be an amazing mom." you smiled at him and he gave you a small kissed before he got on his knees so he was eye level with your stomach. “Hey there little guy or girl. I’m your daddy! Me and your mommy love you very much!" He said giving your belly a kissed.

Liam:  You were walking back and forth across your yours and Liam your husband of 6 months bathroom. You then heard the small alarm on your phone and slowly walked over to the pregnancy test on the counter. It said pregnant.  You don’t know how to react. You have all kinds of emotions your happy, your scared, your nervous about what Liam going to say. You sighed and threw the test away and walk out of the bathroom. You walk into the kitchen were Liam was tweeting on his phone. He looked up at you and smiled “Everything ok y/n?" “Yes..Erhm actually kinda." you said sitting down next to him at the table. “What wrong are you sick? Did something happen between you and your parents or you and y/b/f/n (Your best friends name)?" You chuckled and shook your head. “Li I’m pregnant." “What? You are?" he asked. You nodded your head and he started jumping and running around like a mad man yelling “I’m going to be a dad!" You laugh at him and he runs to you and gives you a big passionate kiss.  “I love you y/n and you." Liam said kissing your belly. “I love you Liam and the baby loves you too."

Zayn:  Your in your and Zayn’s your husband of 3 years closet looking at yourself in the mirror. You pull your shirt up too look at your 3 month growing belly that was there. “Hey baby girl or boy." you smiled. “I love you very much and Daddy will love you too." 
 "Hey Y/N have you seen my.." He said but once he saw you he stop. “YN are you. Are you pregant?" You start crying and nodded your head. “Why haven’t you told me?" “I didn’t know how." you said. He walk closer to you and got on his knees and put his hands on your stomach. “Hey baby." he smiled and kissed your belly. He then stood up and kissed you. “I love you soo much Y/N" “I love you soo much too" you smiled. You spent the rest of the day answer Zayn’s question about the baby.

Louis: You were sitting on the couch with your husband of 5 years. “Hey Y/N" “Hmm" “I think i um want to start a family." he said scratching the back of his neck. You look up and him a smiled. “Well wish granted" you grab his hand and place it on your 2 month belly. “I was going to tell you on our date tonight" you smiled. Louis look at you in shocked. He grab your cheeks and  gave you a passionate kiss and kept repeating i love you. He finally stop kissing you and put both hands on your tummy. “Hey baby. I love you with all my heart and me and your mommy can’t wait to see you." He smiled up at you and you smiled back. You guys ended up not going on your date but instead staying home and talking about the baby

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