#73 Sports Game

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Harry: Harry was taking you to a Green Bay Packers game today. Now, you weren’t entirely sure if Harry really knew THAT much about American football, but you went along with it. The game was really close the entire time, with Green Bay finally winning. You guys both had a really great time cheering on Harry’s “favorite” team.

Liam:  Liam wasn’t huge into sports, but you had always wanted to attend a baseball game, so Liam took you. You guys went to see the Boston Red Sox versus some team you had never heard of before. You guys had lots of fun eating hot dogs and sitting out in the sun. Liam and yourself didn’t really know what was going on and you didn’t even know the final score, but you had fun nonetheless. 

Zayn: Zayn also wasn’t HUGE into sports. And Zayn didn’t really enjoy being out in the public eye if he didn’t have to be. So you guys spent your evening just casually watching a tennis match on the television. You didn’t know what any of the terms they were saying meant, but it was interesting to watch how hard they could hit the ball across the court. Zayn didn’t seem interested one bit, but you at least enjoyed it. 

Louis: Louis was playing in one of his own games tonight, so you came out to support him! He came over from the sidelines to give you a hug and you wished him the best of luck! His team was definitely the underdog, but they ended up winning the game! It was so fun to watch your boyfriend play.

Niall: Niall of course took you to a Derby game. You didn’t really understand the game very much, so you just cheered with everyone else. Niall was much too into the game to really notice anything else. But you enjoyed watching him get so into a game like that. Derby ended up winning and you both had a fun time. 

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