#59 Meeting The Parents

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Liam; His car pulled up to your parents house and you could immediately notice his uneasiness. “Li, I’ve told you a billion times. My mom already loves you and she hasn’t even met you yet.” You tried reassuring him. “I know, I just hope they like me.” “They are going to love you!” Kissing him on the lips, you got out of the car making your way to the front door of your childhood home. Your mother must have seen the car pull up because she opened the door squealing. “Y/N! I’ve missed you so much!” She says pulling you into a hug. “Hi mom” You laughed at her. You walked into your house giving you father a hug and kiss. Liam stood behind you, waiting for a proper introduction. “Oh right, mom, dad this is Liam my boyfriend.” You grinned, so happy this was finally happening. “Hello Liam” You father shook his hand. “Hello sir, glad to finally meet you.” Your dad smiled weakly then took his place back on the couch. Your mom on the other hand, pulled Liam into a bone crushing hug, mumbling how excited she was to meet him. Dinner was served, and as you ate you would look over at Liam shooting him winks to keep his confidence up. You helped your mother clean off the table and began to do the dishes while Liam and your father sat in the living room watching TV. You heard slight mumbling but nothing in specific. You noticed you’d forgotten a plate on the table, but when you went to get it, you heard your father speak up so you stopped at the door, wanting to listen. “This is just my protective side coming out, but I just want to make sure that you aren’t trying to hurt my daughter. I was unsure about his whole relationship, but seeing how she is with you tonight, it made me realize that she really does love you.” He admitted. Liam let out a long breathe of air, like he’s been holding it for hours. “Don’t worry Mr. Y/L/N, I love Y/N with all my heart, you have my word on that.” You smiled to yourself. The night went absolutely perfect.

Niall; “I met yours so now its your turn!” Niall joked as you got ready for his family reunion. Last week your parents flew in so he felt it only fair that you meet his, although it was completely different because it wasn’t just his parents. The reunion included his aunts, uncles, cousins, you name it. You were extremely nervous. “You nervous?” He asked walking into the bathroom where you stood doing your makeup. You grinned and nodded your head. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder. “Don’t be Y/N, they’ll love you.” He mumbled into your neck making you blush. The both of you finished getting ready, then hopped in the car making your way to where the party was being held. When he opened the door for you, you immediately grabbed his hand, squeezing tightly. “Whoa there babe, it’s not like they’re gonna eat you.” He laughed. “I know, I just, I don’t know.” You smiled shyly as he pulled you along. “Niall!” His dad exclaimed. Niall let go of your hand and ran to give him a hug. “I’m guessing this is Y/N?” He pulled away and smiled at you. You walked up to them holding out your hand to shake. Instead, his dad pulled you into a hug. “It’s nice to finally meet you! Niall here never shuts up.” You looked over at him, seeing the glint of pink rising to his cheeks. Giggling, you grabbed his hand, sending him a reassuring smile. “Your mother’s with Theo and Denise on the bench over there.” “Alright, we’ll catch up with ya later.” You smiled at his dad as Niall pulled you to the bend where his mom sat holding the 2 month old baby. “Oh Niall, honey! I’m so glad you’re here!” Maura stood and gave him a hug, trying not crush the baby. “Theo! C’mere boy!” He grabbed the baby from his mother as you stood there awkwardly. “Oh yeah, mom this is Y/N!” He smiled. “Hi Mrs. Horan, it’s nice to finally meet you!” “Oh hun, please, call me Maura!” She pulled you in for a hug as well. “I’m glad your both here!” She gushed. You grinned at her, “I’m glad too.” “Do you wanna hold him?” Niall asked about Theo. “I’d love to!” He laid the baby in your arms, still playing with his fingers. Maura looked over at you smiling widely, “Now when can I expect more grand babies?”

Louis; You stood in your kitchen stirring the pasta sauce you had made for dinner. Both you and Louis had met each other parents, so you felt it was time for them to meet each other. “What time did you tell them to come over again?” He called from the bedroom. “I said 5:30 and then we’d eat at 6:00” “Alright.” He’d been asking you that question since you woke up. You could say he was a bit nervous. You really couldn’t blame him though, your parents were meeting each other for the first time. And since you two were pretty serious, you couldn’t help but pray that they get along. The knock at your door signaled that one of them were already here. It was only 5 and you knew how your dad liked to be early for everything so you figured it was them. “Lou could you get the door please!” “Coming!” You heard, along with fast paced foot steps towards the door. “Mrs. Y/L/N nice to see you!” You heard your mother gushing. “Louis, it’s nice to see you.” Your dad said. “In here mum!” “Y/N what have you made?” “Just your recipe for chicken parm” You smiled giving her a hug and kiss. Half and hour later, after your parents settled in, there was another knock. “Mom! Daniel! Thanks for coming!” Lou parents arrived as you finished the final touches, setting up the dining room. “Oh Y/N, let me help with something!” Jay suggested. “No, no I’ve got everything taken care of! It’s good to see you again though!” You sais setting down the last of the plate on the table. “Mom, dad, this is Y/M/N and Y/D/N.” Louis introduced them as you walked into the living room. They shook hands and introduced themselves. The dinner went perfectly, as you now sat with a glass of wine at the table watching as both parents created small talk with each other. Your mom’s talking about their shoes and purses, as your dad’s discussed the latest in sports. You sighed in content looking over at Lou who was already looking at you with a wide smile. “I’m so happy, they’re getting along great.” You smiled and pecked his lips. “Perfect.”

Zayn; “They aren’t going to like me Y/N, I just know it.” “Zayn shush, if they love me and support me then they’ll adore you.” You’ve never seen him so nervous about anything. Your mother insisted that they meet Zayn, since you were now living with him and things were quite serious between the two of you. He was practically shaking in his vintage shoes. You insisted on driving to the restaurant where you’d be meeting your parents. Seeing as he was basically shaking you reached over and grabbed his hand. “Zayn, calm down. Just take deep breathes. Everything will be alright.” He just nodded at you and continued to look out the window. You arrived at the restaurant, excited that you were going to see your parents. “Reservations for Malik please” You said to the hostess. “Sure right this way, the other party has already arrived.” You heard Zayn take a deep breathe of air as you followed her to wear your parents were seated. “Hi mom!” You grinned at her. “Hey honey, look at you! Your gorgeous!” “Thank you!” “Hi Dad!” You said giving both a hug. “Guys, this is Zayn, my boyfriend.” You smiled at him. “Hello, nice to meet you both.” He shook both hands and you all sat down. Throughout dinner, your mother asked how you met each other. You blushed at the memory, but let Zayn tell it, because it was his favorite story to tell. As he told the story, you father laughed remembering that day you called to tell him about your new tattoo. “And then we just went from there…” Zayn finished, you were glad he finally gained some confidence and began talking. When the waiter brought the check, your father reached for it. “No, Mr. Y/D/N, let me get it.” Zayn said quickly grabbing it, “my treat, I insist.” You giggled as your dad backed off leaning back in his chair. As time to say goodbye approached, you gave your mother a hug, and noticed your dad talking to Zayn. “Your a good guy Zayn, just treat her right okay?” “Of course sir.” They shook hands and you said the last of your goodbyes. You walked back to the car, grinning like a mad woman. “Alright, so that went well! Right?” “It did Y/N…but” “But what?” “Now it’s time for you to meet mine!” He smirked at you. You just laughed at your boyfriend who, just and hour ago, was so nervous he might have peed himself.

Harry; “I wish you could have been there Y/N, the wedding was absolutely amazing.” Anne gushed at her and robins wedding. You were enjoying tea and some cake. It was your first time meeting them so you were a bit nervous. But Harry would grab your hand and rub your back reassuring you that her and Robin would love you. “I wish I could have been there as well. But I couldn’t get off work, or miss class.” You smiled shyly. Harry put your hand in his, rubbing his thumb against the back of it. He grinned at you then back at his mom. He excused himself to use the bathroom, leaving you at the table with his mum and Robin. “He seems so happy Y/N.” Robin turned towards you. “He makes me really happy, honestly.” “I’m really glad he has you Y/N, when he called me and told me about this relationship. I wasn’t sure at first. But after being here today with you and seeing how you were together. I just can’t help but smile. He really loves you Y/N.” Tears formed in the corner of your eyes. Hearing that from the most important person in your life’s mom, you couldn’t help it. You wanted to cry. “Thank you, so much. That really meant the world to me. I love your son so much” You said back to her. Your cheeks were burning red. “Aw honey, give me a hug!” Anne stood from the table holding out her arms. You got up and hugged her tight, beaming with happiness. “What’s going on in here?” Harry joked coming back to the table. “Oh nothing honey, just some bonding is all” Anne shot you a wink as you walked over to Harry. “Well I think we’ve got to get going. It’s quite a drive to the flat.” He said walking to bid his goodbye. You thanked Robin and Anne for a wonderful lunch and exited hand in hand with Harry. In the car, Harry kept glancing over at you. “Why do you keep looking over at me you weirdo..” You joked. “Nothing, I’m just glad you and mum got on so well.” You smirked back at him, “Yeah, I think she likes me more than you!” He chuckled deeply. “Yeah…okay” He reached over and grabbed your hand kissing the back of it. “I heard what you said.” You blushed looking down at your legs. “What’s that?” “I love you too Y/N, so much.” You leant over, kissing his cheek, then returning back to your seat, enjoying the comfortable silence on the way back home.

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