#9 He Sleeps With You As A Bet (Liam Part 2)

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Liam:  "Get the fuck out of my house. You’re pathetic," you spat walking back to your bedroom with tears racing down your red cheeks.


It has been two weeks since the incident with Liam happened. Everyday Liam would sen things to your flat or office. It still hurts that Liam would do something like that to you. Especially because it was on $200.

You awoke at 8:00 in the morning to get ready for work. It was finally Friday so you knew your boss would let you go home early. You got out the bed and went to the bathroom. You took a shower and hopped out.

You walked into your bedroom and grabbed some work clothes. Since you were a fashion consultant, your only dress code was dress in the current fashion. After you finished getting dressed, it was 8:45 so you decided to head out. You grabbed your purse, keys, and phone and walked out the house.

When you got to your job, which is only fifteen minutes away, you got straight to work. You went to your desk and saw a vase of beautiful F/C lilies and a card on top.


        I know you probably won’t talk to me but I thought these would brighten your day. Love you! xoxo



You picked up the vase and put them on the ground.

It was about 11:30 am and a delivery man walked in the office. He was quite attractive and he was holding a medium sized box.

He walked over to you and smiled, “Are you Y/N?" he asked.

"Yes," you smiled back to him.

"Here you go. Just sign here and I’ll be on my way, beautiful," he flirted and handed you the box. It was quite heavy but you managed.

"There you go," you said after you signed the electronic pad. He smiled at you again and walked away.

You placed the box in front of you and opened it. Inside was full of Skittles, M&M’s, Haribos, Maoums, Hershey’s Kisses, a card, and two smaller boxes. You picked up the larger box of the two and opened it. It was a diamond infinity necklace. Engraved on the infinity sign was best friends, Liam and Y/N. You placed it back in the box and picked up the smaller box. You opened it and you saw a gorgeous gold bracelet with diamond charms hanging off of it. Next, you placed it back in the box and grabbed the card. The card read:


        Will you please forgive me? I’m sorry for what I did. If it makes you feel any better I didn’t accept the money. Anyways you worth way more than $200. When you get off of work can you please meet me at my house. I have something very important to tell you. Love you! xoxo



P.S. don’t get to full on the candy, sweetheart!"

You continued on working occasionaly going in the box and eating some candy. It was around 2:00pm. You had already finished your work so you walked into your boss’ office.

"Candice? I already finished everything. Can I go home early?" you sweetly asked her.

"Go ahead but I saw that you got a little box delivered to you today. What was in it?" she said back, smiling. You and your boss Candice have been friends for a long time so she knew about you and Liam’s situation.

"He’s trying to apologize, again," you said taking a seat in front of her desk.

"Are you going to forgive him? He’s really trying. He’s been sending you stuff everyday. I wish I had a best friend that would do that." she said smiling at you.

"I don’t know. He asked me to go over to his house after work so that’s where I’ll be after here." you exclaimed.

"Well I should stop holding you up. Go get ‘em." she said getting up and hugging you. You hugged you back.

You walked out Candice’s office and went back to your desk to grab your stuff. You left and hopped in your car, heading to Liam’s.

*Skipping the Boring Car Ride*


You arrived at the driveway of Liam’s flat and parked your car. You hopped out the car and walked to the door. You lightly knocked on the door. The door is jerked away from you contact and emerges Liam dress up in a plaid button up and tan skinny jeans. He was holding a single red rose.

"Y/N. I didn’t think you would come." he said surprised and handing you the red rose.

"Well I really didn’t have a choice since you send me things everyday," you said smelling the rose.

"Come in. I have something planned," he said smiling and stepping aside. You walked in and saw that Liam had the dining room table covered with a tablecloth, candles, and two wine glasses with soft romantic music playing in the background giving the room a romantic vibe. “Sit," he said pulling the chair back for you to sit. He pushed your chair back and disappeared into the kitchen.

You picked up the champagne glass and sipped on it. ‘Mmm. That’s good’ you thought. Liam reappeared in the dining room with homemade pizza on a plate.

"Here you go. Grab a slice," he said placing it on the center piece. You grabbed a slice and took a bite.

"It’s good," you said.

"Ok. I can’t wait any longer. Y/N," Liam said standing up from his seat and over to you on his knees. “I’m sorry for what happened two weeks ago but I realized something though. I love you more than just friends. You are gorgeous, intellegiant, stunning, alluring, sexy, cute, beautiful, adorable, intellectual, cultural, and happy. I was hoping that maybe, if you want, will you be my amazing girlfriend?" he said taking in his bottom lip.

"Yes. Of course," you said as a tear escaped from your eyes as you leaned over and kissed him.

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