#8 He Sleeps With You As A Bet (Liam Part 1)

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Liam: You and Liam have been friends since you were in diapers. As you began getting older, you began developing feelings for Liam. You always wanted to tell Liam but you knew that he wouldn’t like you back.

Now you and Liam were both 19 and just chilling around his house. You haven’t seen him for a while because of the whole fame thing but he finally contacted you and began hanging out again.

You both were just cuddling on the couch, watching t.v.

"Y/N, can I ask you a personal question?" he said looking down at you.

"Sure, I guess," you replied back.

"How many times have you had sex?" Liam asked, taking you by surprise.

"Umm. Four times," you said, looking away from his gaze.

"Did they make you orgasm?" he questioned you further.

"I don’t know. Can we just drop the subject, please?" you said pulling yourself off the couch and walking to the kitchen.

"Why, are you scared?" he taunted you.

"No. I just don’t want to talk about my sex life with you, of all people." you snapped and turned, opening the fridge. You bent over to get something from the bottom shelf, when you something hard on your bum.

You quickly spun around and saw Liam in nothing but tight black Calvin Klein’s.

"W-What are you doing, L-Liam?" you stuttered by the sudden openness of him.

"Let me take care of my best friend." Liam said grabbing your face and kissing you.

"O-Okay," you replied with a slightly smirk on your face.

*Skipping the Sexual Part*


The sun glimmered through the pointless curtains and you were momentarily blinded by the sunlight. An arm wrapped around your waist and you instantly knew it was Liam. You turned around in your spot and came face-to-face with him.

"Good morning," Liam greeted you.

"More like great morning. Last night was amazing." you exclaimed to him.

Liam started to get out of his bed and began to put on his clothes.

"Where are you going?" you said sadly.

"Oh Y/N it’s not like that. I was just going to go get us some food and come back." he smiled at you.

"Ok," you said leaning into kiss his plump scarlett colored lips.

After about ten minutes of Liam leaving, his phone rang. It was a text from Andy.

‘Did you sleep with Y/N, yet? Remember $200" the text read.

You felt tears well up in your Y/E/C eyes. Really? that was all you thought about. Suddenly you heard the front door opened and shut seconds later.

"Y/N? I’m back," Liam shouted from downstairs.

You were frozen in place and then realized you didn’t want Liam there anymore. You picked up his phone and advanced downstairs. A smile appeared on his face when he saw you but disappeared when he saw his phone in your tiny hand.

"Why do you have my phone?" Liam said calmly.

"You left it. Oh and Andy texted you about SLEEPING WITH ME AS A BET!," you said quietly and then your voice rising.

"Y/N it’s not like that ok?" Liam said cautiously walking up to you. You throw his phone at hum.

"Get the fuck out of my house. You’re pathetic," you spat walking back to your bedroom with tears racing down your red cheeks.

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