#67 Your First Kiss

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Harry: You stood oon the other side of the island in Harry's kitchen, him on the opposite side as you. You had two bottles of whip cream and he had a bottle of chocolate syrup. "Your going down Styles." You said with a smirk. "Oh no! I'm so scared!" He faked and rolled his eyes. You rolled your eyes also and quickly ran around the island as you shook the bottles, quickly spraying some of the sticky white substance into his hair. He squealed like a girl and quickly squirted you with the chocolate syrup. He chuckled, "Look like we both went down." You smiled, "Looks like we did." Harry smiled back at you before kissing your lips for the first time. 

Niall: It was your 19th birthday ad your new boyfriend, Niall, threw you a smal party for just you and him. Niall made you blow out the candles and all of that traditional birthday stuff. After you had a piece of the small cake he bought he handed you a medium sized box wrapped in shiny pink paper. You opened it to find a plastic toy crown and gave Niall a confused look. Niall chuckled and placed the crown on your head, "Happy birthday princess." He said and kissed you for the first time. 

Louis: "Ah! Its so cold!" You shouted as the cold water hit your back. You grabbed the hose and quickly switched it on. Louis chuckled, "Well thats the point." You swung the hose so the water splashed him. Louis screeched like a little girl and you ran across the yard, Louis chased after you. He finally catches you, pins you up against a tree and kissed your lips, the water from his hair dripping onto your face. 

Zayn: "Can we please ride the ferris wheel?" You pleaded. Zayn sighed and finally gave in, "Fine lets go."  You started to drag him toward the ride. You guys only waited in line for about 10 minutes until they put you into a Ferris Wheel car. As the ride went along you looked at the view, "It's so beautiful." You whispered, loud enough for Zayn to hear. "Not as you beautiful as you." Zayn smiled as you turned to face him. He lifted your chin and kissed you softly. This had to have been the best moment of your life. 

Liam: "Babe?" He asked. "Yeah Li?" "Would you wanna go lay under the stars for a bit?" "Sure. C'mon." You got up bringing a blanket with you two out his back door. You set out the blanket and cuddled together as you looked up at the beautiful starry night sky. After awhikle Liam turned to you, "Babe?" "Yeah?" You answer turning to face him. "I've been wanting to do this since the day I met you." He said before meeting his soft lips to yours. When he broke away, you smiled, "That was perfect, Li." You said and he returned the smile.

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