#69 You Want A Divorce But He Doesn't

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Harry: Strong emotions course their way up to your mind. Memories fulfill your brain as you run your eyes through yours and your husband’s picture portfolio, silently praying for everything to be like before, everything to be okay again. You bring your hands up to your cheeks, wiping away unwanted stinging tears. What happened? What’s the reason? Oh gosh, part of you wished to uncover the purpose of his withdraws from you and lack of affection he once held for you. The other part feared he was falling out of love, or worse, seeing someone else. You sit silently in your room, leaving wild thoughts using your mind as a battlefield. The sound of the tickling clock draws you out of your thinking. 1.03. You lay on your bed, letting a heavy and painful feeling take over Harry’s role, soothing you to sleep. 2.46. Heavy footsteps are marching into your room, not even bothering to check up on you. Your husband’s weight drops down next to you, so close and yet so distant. You get up, not being able to bare his presence, way too strong in your rooting consciousness. “Harry, I’m leaving” And you do so, not allowing him any chance to react or speak.

Liam: “Mommy” Your tiny son snuggles into your chest, warming up your heart. You smile lightly, caressing his hair. “Yes, darling?” You ask softly. “I love you” He mouths. “I love you,too” You say back. “You are my favorite mommy” You frown slightly “Do you have any other mommies?” You tease, laughter escaping your chest. He nods “I saw daddy with a woman. He was kissing her like he does kiss you. On the lips. Does this mean she is my mommy, too?” Your heart drops suddenly. Dan never lied, he was only 2 but he never lied. “Is that so? Are you sure of it?” He nods again, sleepily confirming your question “I would never lie to you, mommy”. You kiss him goodnight and storm into your room. You search through the drawers and cabinets to find something, anything that might certify it. Liam cheating on you? No, not possible. You immediately take back your thoughts as you found bright red lipstick on his shirt’s collar. Not me, definitely not my lipstick. You shake your head, tears streaming down your face. That explains why he is always out, avoiding me. You start packing yours and Dan’s clothes, trying your best to stay strong for your little angel.

Louis: Your state of mind was going terribly wrong. You had everything you needed, a wonderful husband and amazing friends. It didn’t stop you from going back there, nothing could, not even you. Too late, you think. You feel so lost right now, not knowing exactly what to do or think of. “Y/n? Where are you, babe?” A very familiar voice echoes through the house. You don’t reply, instead, you snuggle down further into the warm blankets. Tears start flowing down and staining your pillow. Your voice cracks once he finds you. “Y/n, are you okay?!” He asks, panicking at your weak sight. “I’m so sorry, Louis.” Worry very visible on his face, he tries to pull you into his arms. “What do you mean?” The fear reaches a physical level where he starts trembling. “We have to end this” These words pain you so much but you had to say them, afraid of hurting him or anyone else because of you. “No, Y/n! You can’t” He whispers, his words sounding more like a struggled scream.

Niall: You stare back at a worn, tired and puffy eyed Y/n back into the mirror. You sight and think back of last night. A sob escapes your mouth. You cover it with your hands and unconsciously fall back to your knees. Tears start getting uncontrollable and your breathing harder to maintain. He can’t hate me that much. He couldn’t have forgotten our anniversary. Does he still even love me? It’s been months since he last showed he did? Was he lying? You try to get up, knees still shaking. As you get up, you seem to gather your mind and secure it. We need to end this, you think. I want to be strong again. I need to move on. With this, you wash your face, forming the words you were about to tell him. “Niall” You knock on his door. “Niall, get out, I need to talk to you! Listen to me! It’s the last chance you get to talk to me.” You wait a few seconds before the door opens, relieving your husband. “Niall, I’m getting a divorce.” You firmly state, watching his reaction turning from annoyed to worried.

Zayn: “Zayn!” You yell again. No response. You fidget your phone in your hands, staring at the bright screen with a blurred vision. No message either. Droplets of water splash across the thin surface of your smartphone. “I made the wrong choice, I prefer my ex” His voice keeps ringing in your ears, the words sounding crueler than a stab in the chest. You shake your head, not wanting to believe him and trying to convince yourself it was just a bad joke. Again, his and only his voice echoes itself back into your mind. You drop yourself to your knees; a horrible tightening sensation takes over your head, even more massive than a headache. Not knowing exactly how, your vision turns red, then black. You fall to the floor with a bug ‘tud’.

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