#40 Couple Songs (By Jason Mraz)

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Louis: I’m Yours by Jason Mraz ~ Louis is yours forever. This is a perfect song for you two because it’s a little random just like Louis is but its still sweet and honest.

Zayn: The Woman I Love by Jason Mraz ~ Zayn will always catch you if you fall. This song is perfect to you both because you both always have each other’s back no matter what.

Niall: I Won’t Give Up by Jason Mraz ~ Niall loves you more than anything. This is a perfect song for you as a couple because neither of you will give up on each other, even during the hardest times.

Liam: Lucky by Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillat ~ Liam will always be there for you. This is a perfect song because you and Liam were best friends before you fell in love; and you are separated a lot because of Liam’s work but you’ll still always be there for each other.

Harry: Don’t Change by Jason Mraz ~ Harry loves you the way you are. This song is perfect for you two because Harry is so chivalrous and such a gentleman.

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