#82 What He Loves

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Harry: For Harry, it was your heart. I mean, don’t get him wrong he loves the rest of you too. He loves all of you, how tiny your hands are and how you take too long of showers. He loves the way you smile at him and the way your eyes light up whenever you look at him. But the most beautiful part of you was your heart. You had an immense capability to love someone. You put them first always, leaving yourself for last. You went out of your way and then some just to see him smile. He didn’t even think you realized it. “You’re amazing, you know that?” He said to you one night, pulling you I to his chest. You shook your head, eyes on the ground. It stunned him that you couldn’t see how wonderful you truly were, or how much he loved you. How beautiful you were from the inside out. “No I’m not,” you laughed, brushing off his comment. He frowned, pulling you back into his arms. “Yes you are. Not even just physically but babe, your heart is so big. You love and care about everyone. Especially me, probably more than you deserve.” You could see the sincerity on his face as he spoke, his lips on your wrist. “Really?” You didn’t think anyone had ever called you beautiful before and Harry could see it all over your face. “There could never be anyone more beautiful than you,” he said softly, his forehead pressed against yours. “I love you, and I love your heart.” You smiled gently, fingers running over his lips.

Niall: For Niall, it was how laid back you were. He loved that he could chill out on the weekends and curl up with you and watch movies. He loved that you were up for anything. Even if it was derby. He liked that he could have lazy days with you and sleep till noon and then make pancakes. You loved it too, there was something so nice about just lounging with Niall and hear him yawn and see how adorably rumpled he looked when he stumbled out of bed. He liked that he could take you to a pub and you didn’t mind hanging oht his friends. He even taught you to play pool and you were much better at it than he had anticipated. You got him for fifty bucks. That didn’t mean you guys were boring. He had some spontaneity. So did you. He liked taking you on trips and exploring new things, even then it was relaxed, wandering around with his hand on yours and a smile on his face. Most of all, Niall loved that he could do everything on earth with you, and you felt the same. “Have I told you how much I love you, lately?” He asked as he pulled you onto his lap. You grinned, giving him cute little Eskimo kisses. “I’m not sure you have, you can now though,” he laughed and pinched your bum making you squeal. “I love ya more than I can tell ya, babe. I love who I am with you,” he kissed you gently, his hands on your cheeks. You made Niall the man he always wanted to be. You made him more, you made him whole.

Zayn: You’re always there for him. Always. You have his back for every decision and every move he makes. You’re his constant support system and honestly, he didn’t know how he functioned without you sometimes. And he loves you for it. You kept him going, you helped him wake up and fall asleep with a smile. Especially when he was on the road and without you. You were resilient, accommodating him when he had ridiculous work schedules and flights. You wanted to make this as easy as possible for him, and because you loved him, you wanted to be there for you. He returned it of course. He didn’t make a decision without you, he wanted your input and he valued your opinion. He loved that you sat and listened to him, letting him vent when everything got to be too much. You had his back when no one else did and for that, he was eternally grateful. “You’re wonderful, you know that?” He asked you one night, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder. “I guess I’m pretty awesome,” you teased, making him laugh. “I’m serious,” his laugh faded and he turned you to face him. “I don’t know what I would do without you.” You smiled, touched at his display of affection. “You never have to find out,” it was a beautiful thing, you thought, to know that no matter what came your way you and Zayn would always have each other.

Louis: God, could you make him laugh. He’d never had anyone make him laugh so hard in his life. He had the lads of course and he spent a good chunk of time laughing with them but you, damn. It was something else entirely. The way you two were together was unexplainable. He couldn’t understand. It felt like he’d been looking for you for his whole life without even knowing it, and then when you came along it was like everything fell into place. He loved you for it. You were the best part of him and he adored you. He loved that you were just as silly, just as playful. He found someone who he could relax around me just be himself. He hadn’t had that in a long time. And he brought out the best in you. He made you come alive in the best way. You weren’t scared to take risks or tell a joke that no one laughed at before. He made you brave, he made you strong. You looked at him now watching him as he flicked the TV on. You grinned and curled up into his lap, little kisses pressing against his jaw. “You okay babe?” He asked, wrapping his arms round you and nuzzling into your neck. “I just love you a lot, you know that?” He nodded, letting you love on him. “I love you too baby,” he kissed your forehead and smiled. As playful as you two were, you were crazy over each other. The sun rose and set with Louis, he felt the same too.

Liam: He’s your partner and crime and side kick. There’s never been a dynamic duo like the two of you. Recently, he’d broken out of his shell and was taking on the world. He was going out more and enjoying his life and the best part of it was was that you wanted to do to with him. He loved taking you to Funky Buddha and dancing the night away with you. He loved taking you surfing when he got to Australia. You were up for anything which made you his dream girl. He could bend though, he didn’t mind doing some more laid back things. He was down for movies nights and movie marathon Sundays. He was romantic too, and surprised you with little destinations her end there. But most of all, Liam loved your vivacity for life. He fed off of it too and thanks to you, he’d never felt better. But as long as you were with him, Liam didn’t care what he was doing. “I think I could do anything on earth with you and love it,” he said one night. It was raining and you were stuck inside watching TV. “Oh really?” He smiled, running his hands up your legs. “This is perfect,” he whispered, his eyes serious. “As long as you’re here, I could be anywhere or doing anything and it would already be the best experience because you’re there.” He kissed your hand, eyes level on you. You were his biggest adventure, biggest treasure and his biggest dream. You were everything to Liam. He didn’t need the clothes or the house or the partying. All he really needed was you, and if he had that, well, he had everything.

Sorry guys, this is kind of shitty!

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