#18 Your Insecure And He Comforts You

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Harry: I glanced over at Y/N as I drove down the streets of London. I saw she looked upset, glancing down at her phone, but I couldn’t help but notice her cheeks were red.  She put her sunglasses over her eyes, but that didn’t hide much. I parked the car and turned towards her. “What’s the matter, kitten?”  asked, pushing her hair out of her face. “I just… I don’t know, it’s dumb” she mumbled. I reached across and pushed her glasses up. “Well it doesn’t look like nothing love” I whispered, reaching and wiping her tear away. “Great, I’m making it worse” she complained, looking in the mirror. I never understood her point of view on things. She was so beautiful, the most beautiful person I knew. Inside and out Y/N was a wonder to me. I adored everything about her, but she still had these issues. It broke my heart every time. “I just don’t feel pretty sometimes when I’m with you. You’re just so hot and confident and have millions of girls all over you. I feel like I don’t compare” she said, and I felt the shock register on my face. I knew deep down that she was feeling that way, but I just hated to hear her say it like that. Like she compared it.  “Y/N, you’re stunning. You have beautiful hair, gorgeous eyes, a killer smile and your body is great. I can’t ever take my eyes off you. Don’t ever think you’re less than perfect, babe” I said, and she smiled. I leaned over and met her halfway for a kiss. I grabbed my phone and tweeted. Y/N checked her phone and a little smile spread across her cheeks, making me smile too.

Liam: To say this dinner was uncomfortable would be an understatement. For whatever reason, Y/N was being weirdly nice. She had already overly complimented Eleanor for saying she liked her dress, and then awkwardly complimented Niall. I couldn’t understand what had gotten into her. The waiter approached and asked for our orders. “Thank you so much for being so quick” she whispered, and I jerked my head towards her. “What?” she mouthed, and I looked at her strange. The waiter eventually left, and Y/N cleared her throat. “What now?” Louis whispered in my ear, and I shrugged. “You guys are seriously all so great. I am so glad we’re all friends. I love you all so much!” she said excitedly. “Bathroom. Now” I said, grabbing her arm. She flashed a smile as I dragged her towards the back of the restaurant. “Y/N seriously, what’s gotten into you… you’re acting so different… It’s kind of sort of freaking me out” I said, reaching for her hand. “I feel like everyone thinks you should be dating this total sweetheart. And I’m not like that. I am sarcastic and harsh with you and your friends and I feel like I am letting you and the fans down. I thought maybe if I tried to be more sweet, I would be better for you” she said, as she started crying. I felt awful. The fact that I could even potentially have a hand in making Y/N cry devastated me. “Beautiful, you’re the woman I want to be with. I love your humor, and the boys do too. Who cares what people say on twitter? They’re not real fans. The real fans love you. And they see I’m happy. And I’m happy with the real Y/N. Please, be yourself” I whispered, trying to be more comforting. She smiled at the ground and I smirked too. “You’re all kinds of corny, Payner” she laughed. “Ahh, that’s the girl I like” I smiled, pulling her into a hug.

Zayn: I was all smiles walking to the door of my flat. How could I not be, coming home to Y/N? She made me so happy. I swung open the door and looked into the TV room. “Hey hon, how was your d-“ I jerked my head back. Y/N was standing in heels with spiked on them. She had on super bright red skinny jeans and a faded rock shirt with the sleeves cut off. She was wearing a leather jacket, slightly shrugged off. Her hair was styled in a weird, big way and her makeup was harsh. “Woah” I whispered, as she walked towards me. I couldn’t help but be reminded of Bambi as she stumbled along in her shoes. That’s when you noticed a lip piercing. “Do you like it?” she asked, an adorable attempt at being sultry. “What’s this about?” I asked, and she smiled. “I just figured you’d like this on me? Right?” she said, her smile fading. “Y/N, you don’t look right in this clothes. The make up is too much, love” I smiled. Suddenly, Y/Njerked back. She stormed off, rolling her ankles slightly the whole way. “Well I guess that teaches me to try and do something for you” she yelled, and I chased after her. I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. For me? Why would she be doing this for me? That’s when it clicked. She was dressed like Perrie. Like my ex. “Baby girl, you know I think you’re beautiful. Why would you do this?” I asked, as she stared at the ground. I could tell she was crying. “I know who your exes are, Zayn. I’m not stupid. I’m not the type of girl you usually date. I’m more Carrie Underwood and less Rihanna.” I smiled, her innocence overwhelming.  “Y/N, seriously? Is this because of Perrie? You don’t need to worry about that. I’m with you because I like you. If I wanted to be with Perrie or someone more ‘Rihanna’, I would be. Alright? Don’t second guess this.” I placed my hand under her chin and turned her face towards me. I pulled her Binto a hug. “but don’t return that jacket, that I do like” I laughed, and pulled her in even closer.

Niall: I walked in the door and went straight over to Y/N. It was a daily thing. I couldn’t go a second longer than I had to without getting my hands on Y/N. She got up and stuck her hands out, and I hugged her. When I first met Y/N, she was thinner. I noticed as I went to hug her that I loved how she had put on a little extra weight. She looked more like a woman. Before I could hug her, I noticed that she had been crying. “Y/N, what is wrong?” I asked. She looked down at a magazine on the coffee table. It was open to a story about how Y/N was apparently getting fat. I threw the magazine on the floor and took Y/N’s face in my hands, wiping her tears with my thumbs.“Y/N, please don’t listen to that shit. You’re beautiful. No, you’re gorgeous. No, stunning. Is there any way to say prettier than stunning? I don’t know princess. But I know that when I look at you, I can’t imagine one thing wrong with you. I don’t know how I got so lucky to get you, but don’t let anyone say that you’re less than perfect. You’re breathtaking. That’s it. Breathtaking.” She began to giggle and I smiled back. Her laugh made the world so much better. “I’m calling the editor of that magazine tomorrow. Don’t read any more of that crap, got it?” I said, pulling her head against my chest. I rang my fingers through her hair and smelled her hair. “I won’t, I promise” she said, muffled by my chest. The ding of the oven went, and I smiled. “Join me?” I asked, rubbing her back. “Absolutely!” she smiled, giving me a kiss.

Louis: As I walked into Y/N’s flat, I smiled wide. The smell of her place, mixed with the tell tale signs of her. “Honey, I’m home!” I called, letting out a little laugh. “In here” she yelled from her room. I walked down the hall, smiling at her pictures, before walking in the door. I felt my jaw drop as Y/N stood in front of me. She was in a dress, her make up and hair done. The only time I saw Y/N dressed like that was for very special occasions. Other than that, she was dressed down and casual. Always up for something. I loved that about her. “Babe,” I said, checking her out, “why the outfit? We’re just going shopping…” “Yeah I know, I just don’t want you to be embarrassed by me…” she said, and I was even more shocked if that was possible. “Me?! Embarrassed by you!? Are you mad?! Why would you ever think that I would be embarrassed by you?” I shouted. She took my hand and walked me to the computer. The blog was called Tommo’s Tomboy. I shook my head. “Babe, in this picture you’re sneezing. Who looks good when they sneeze?” “No no, it’s the clothes Lou. They say I dress like a slob” she frowned.  “Y/N, if you want to start dressing in dresses and stuff like that, that’s fine. But don’t feel you have to for me or them. It’s your decision. I think you’re pretty regardless babe” I said, and she smiled. She went back to her room and came back out in jeans and a nice shirt. “Compromise?” she smiled as she came out the door. She could have come out in a paper bag and looked absolutely perfect to me. “Compromise is good” I smiled, kissing her nose.

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