#45 Game Shows

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Niall: Minute to Win it
“C’mon babe! Go go go!" You cheered Niall on with the crowd as he shook his head back and forth trying to get the highest number on his pedometer he could. “10, 9, 8, 7.." Guy started counting down and by the time he hit five half of the crowd was counting and the other half was cheering your boyfriend on. “C’mon Ni you can do this!" You yelled as Guy hit, “2 and 1! Let’s see how well you did!" Niall stopped shaking his head and almost tipped over from dizziness. “Whoa there babe!" You yelled running out and steading him then helped him take his headband off. Guy took the head band and read the numbers slowly leaving you and Niall hanging onto each other anticipation. “Alright Niall you needed 125 head shakes to pass the challenge and move onto the next level. And you got 126! Congratulations you’re movin’ on!" Guy said as you and Niall freaked out and started running around the stage before meeting back in front of Guy panting and smiling. “Now before we break can you remind these folks who you are playing for today." “Niall grabbed the mic still slightly panting. “Yeah we are playing for (Y/N)’s charity Invisible Children. She actually has just gotten back from Uganda working for them." Then you took the mic and said, “Yeah it’s a great charity that people have kind of forgotten about. And if you don’t remember it or never heard of it I recommend google. But a short synopsis is we are trying to protect these kids from becoming members of Kony’s Children Armies." “That’s awesome. Now if you want to see if Niall and (Y/N) can raise one million dollars for this amazing charity come back after the break!" Guy said as they finally cut to commercial giving you and Niall time to prep for the next task.

Harry: Dancing Fools
“Are you two ready?" Melissa Peterman asked just before you and Harry went live for the first “celebrity" dance off on the show. “If you mean ready to open a can of whoop ass on Harold here then yes." “Oh it’s on." Harry said running over to you and throwing you over his shoulder. “And we’re live!" The producer yelled while you were still on Harry’s shoulders. “Welcome back everybody! Are you ready for Harry and (Y/N)’s first celebrity dance off?" The crowd cheered as Harry “dropped" you on the floor. “Whoa gettin a little feisty already better get started!" Melissa joked, “But before we start who are each of you dancing for." Harry got the mike first and said, “I will be dancing for the believe in magic foundation and if you look it up on youtube you can see me practicin’ with some of the kids so take a look after this and you can see where I got all my skills from." “Alright and (Y/N) what is your charity?" “I will be dancing for Dance Aid today. They are a fialry new charity and you should check ‘em out after I kick Harry’s arse here in a second." “Wow it seems like you’re ready to go so let’s dance! Harry you’re up first!" Harry goes up and all of the sudden the song he danced to at X Factor boot camp came on, which was telephone by Lady Gaga. The half way through the song the rest of the boys jump out and Louis shouts, “INBETWEENERS DANCE READY 1 2 3 GO!" And they all start doing to inbetweeners dance for a bit before running around and doing “boy band" dances. “Alright that was rather interesting!" Melissa said when the song ended. "(Y/N) do you think you can take on all five of these guys?" “Oh definitely Melissa." You said knowing you had a trick up your sleeve as well. “Alright well lets get to it!" You got up on stage then your song of choice came on, ironically another Gaga tune, Just Dance. Unlike Harry you actually knew how to dance so you started out with a bit of Beyonce moves then as the song hit “Just dance." Some ambassadors from Dance aid jumped out and you all started doing your street dancing moves. By the end of it Harry was still trying to get the audience on his side but you knew you had won. “What that’s not fair!" The boys were protesting. “Hey I just got to dance with some of my friends like you!" You said as the cheerful banter between the two groups began. “Alright, alright. This was a bit surprising for a first celebrity dance off but there can only be one winner, and that is (Y/N) and the dance aid ambassadors!" The confetti dropped as you began cheering and teasing the boys. which resulted in a large confetti fight between the two groups and eventually the audience.

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