#29 Telling Him You're Not Pregnant

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Zayn: “Zayn," you nudge him. He’s still asleep, even though its noon. “Zayn," you nudge him more. “ZAYN!" you finally resort to shouting. He blinks his eyes opens and sits up groggily, “Whhaaaa?" You hand him the pregnancy test, showing a blue negative sign. “Oh come here," Zayn says, holding his arms open. You crawl into his lap, trying not to cry. You and Zayn have been trying to get pregnant for a year now and nothings worked. “Should we go see a specialist?" you sniffle. “Maybe," Zayn says, stroking your hair. “It’ll happen, baby. Maybe we’re just not meant to have a baby yet." You pull away to look in his eyes, “You do want this baby, right?" “Of course," Zayn says, “But we’ve tried and tried. Maybe we’re not as ready as we think we are." You nod but burst into tears anyway.

Harry: “Harry, oh my god. Harry, it’s positive!" you cry, covering your mouth with a hand, stifling a sob of horror — you’re too young to be a mom. “Are you sure you did it right?" Harry asks. “How can I pee on a stick wrong?" you ask him, shooting him a glare. “Try again. You bought two, didn’t you?" Harry suggests. You nod and head to the bathroom. After the two minutes, a blue negative sign appears. “False alarm," you tell Harry with relief. He cracks a smile and wraps you in his arms. “Thank god. I want kids but not yet," he says. “I know what you mean," you agree. You give him a kiss and add, “We have to be more careful in the future."

Niall: “It’s negative," you tell Niall with an emotionless voice. “What were you hoping for?" Niall asks cautiously, studying your face. “I don’t know," you admit, shrugging. “I would like to have kids but I don’t know if I want them now." Niall nods and gives you a light kiss. “Well, I’m here for you when you do," he whispers. “Thanks," you whisper back before he wraps you in a classic bear hug.

Louis: "We’re not pregnant," you tell Louis, voice trembling. He nods and sighs with relief. “It’s not that I don’t want a baby with you, Y/N," he rushes to explain. “I’m just not ready." “Me either," you confess. “But at the same time, I’m still really disappointed." Louis smiles and says, “Don’t worry. We’ll have a baby one day. It’ll be perfect because you and I? We’re perfect for each other." You giggle and correct him, “No, it’ll be freaking screwed. We’re going to be crazy parents."  Louis laughs and says, “He or she will be perfectly messed up. How about that?" You smile and say, “Sounds about right."

Liam: "What’s the result?" Liam asks anxiously. He’s been pacing outside of the bathroom, waiting for the news. “It hasn’t been two minutes," you say exasperatedly. Liam was more anxious for this baby than you were. Soon, a small blue negative sign appears. You deflate and hold out the test to Liam. He frowns when he sees it, his lip trembling. “No worries," he says, trying to be upbeat. “That was just the first time. We’ll get pregnant soon. You and I are the perfect match. We’ll be parents some day." You curl up in his arms. He continues, rubbing your back, soothingly, “No worries, love. Just you wait. Soon this will just be a bad memory."

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