#46 He Leaves You A Voicemail While He's On Tour

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Harry: "Hey babe. America is awesome! I wish you would visit at least once so I could show you these amazing places but you have school. We'll definitely have to take a vacation here sometime. Well study hard and I love you!"

Niall: "Hey love we just finished up the show here so now we're headed to our next stop. I fell on stage and yeah today was not a good day and hearing your voice always makes it better so call me really really soon! Love you."


Louis: "I miss you. This is the longest we've been apart and its really sucking for me not to see you. But that's the perks of being in the biggest boyband of the world. Call me soon. Bye"


Zayn: "I know you're still mad about those photos but that's what they are, just photos. I dedicated a song to you tonight and I got pretty emotional but anyways I love you and always will please talk to me i miss you soo much."


Liam: "Hey how are things? How are my turtles? Hmm you always answer my calls something must be wrong. Don't worry I'll have someone come stay with you and help you since I can't. Stay safe babe! Love you."

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